Crayon Craft


Hi Friends,

It's Friday, we doing crafts with crayons. This project is great for kids, teenagers, and adults. So what is it already????

Crayon Art!!!

I've used this method before, it was so fun my "non crafting" boyfriend helped me with it.

I used this sign for a Chili Cook Off I participated in last year. It took me 4-5 different attempts to get it right, now I'm a crayon art expert. 

It should only take you 1 hour to create this masterpiece. I hope you enjoy this tutorial.

 Crayon Art

What you need:
Lots of Crayons
Blank Canvas - can be found at local craft store
Glue gun
Embossing Heat tool or Hairdryer 

Draw a small heart in the middle of you canvas
Take your time, keep trying until you draw it close to perfect, this took me about 5 minutes, lol

Hot glue crayons
 tips facing in pointing to the boarder of your heart 
Make sure to switch up the colors
Brighter colors work better with this project

Line your working surface with a thick black garbage bag, crayons shouldn't splatter but they do drip

**Caution while melting the crayons make sure not to touch the wax, it will be very very hot. I have burned myself in the past

Now comes the fun part:

Melt the crayons, holding the embossing heat tool or hairdryer at least 10 inches away from crayons
Aim for the bottom of the crayons while tilting canvas letting gravity do all the work. 

Once your crayons get warm the wax will start to pour out, use the hair dyer to push the wax around covering as much as the canvas as you can
If crayons splatter you are holding the heating tool too close to the canvas

Rotate the canvas until all the crayons are melted and your happy with your design. Wax dries in seconds so clean up should be simple.

You have created a one-of-a-kind Crayon Masterpiece

That's it folks!
Enjoy your weekend!

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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