
Quick Pumpkin Crafts


Halloween is merely days away and you still haven't found time to decorate your humble abode. That's where I come in. I've been trying out different pumpkin tutorials, modifying, adding and subtracting step and materials until they are Evolve With Mary approved. 

All crafts are pumpkin based so you can leave them out in November creating a Thanksgiving theme. I staid away from creepy spooky designs because that's just not my style. I'm more of an ahhh how cute is that kind of person, I don't need to be scared, I'm already scared by everyday life. All crafts are inexpensive, pretty fast to create, kid/boyfriend/husband friendly and impressive when done. 

Lets dive into my tutorials!

Geometrical Spray Painted Pumpkins

Any excuse to purchase and use spray paint sign me up!
I saw a mosaic pumpkin design on pinterest and had to try it out for myself

Cost: $10-$15
Skill Level: Beginner, kid/husband/boyfriend approved 
Time: 1 hour including drying time 

What you need:
  • 1 or 2 medium to large pumpkin $2-$5 try to find a smooth pumpkin for this craft
  • Painters tape or masking tape $3.99
  • Garbage bag
  • Scissors
  • Black spray paint $5.99 I found mini cans of spray paint at Michael's they were so cute and cheap I also purchased gold paint

Use scissors to cut tape into simple shapes
Take your time and cover most of your pumpkin with tape leaving some parts of the pumpkin exposed
Cover work surface with garbage bag or newspaper
Lean pumpkin on side and spray well, make sure to spray top and bottom of pumpkin
Allow 15-30 minutes to dry
Rotate pumpkin and spray with paint again, make sure to cover the entire pumpkin with spray paint
Allow 15-30 minutes to dry
Peel off masking tape

Pumpkin Book

I purchased the books for the $.99 store

Cost: $10
Skill Level:Beginner, kid/husband/boyfriend approved 
Time: 1 hour

What you need:
  • 1-2 thick books $2
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun 
  • Exacto Knife $5.99

Take blank sheet of paper and fold it in half

Draw 1/2 of a pumpkin using the crease line as the edge
Cut pumpkin shape from piece of paper, this is your template 
*Pumpkin does not have to be perfect 
**Watch the size of your pumpkin, make sure it will fit the book ***Make bottom of pumpkin a little straight so pumpkin has a good base to sit on

Open book halfway and place paper pumpkin template on top
Center pumpkin template make sure it matches with binding of book *try to place template at top to leave room for stem of pumpkin 
Trace around pumpkin template with exacto knife
Carefully carve out one section of book into pumpkin shape ripping out cut pages as you go *don't try to be perfect, irregular cutting gives your pumpkin personality **you will only be able to cut a few pages at a time so take your time

Tear out pages as you go so you can see your progress
Once you are done with one side move to the other side, using your template cut out a pumpkin shape
Once pumpkin is all cut out add glue down cent of book binding and close the 2 halves together to make a pumpkin shape *I placed a rubber band on my book pumpkin to make the gluing process easier
Take your time and fluff your pumpkin 
All done

Glitter Pumpkin

These little pumpkins were easy to make and turned out super cute, even my boyfriend likes them 

Cost: $10
Skill Level:Beginner, kid/husband/boyfriend approved 
Time: 1 hour

What you need:
  • 2-3 mini pumpkins $5
  • Colored Glitter $3.99 each
  • Spoon
  • Clear drying glue - $3.99
  • Paint brush - $.99
  • Black garbage bag or old newspaper
  • Large piece of construction paper or craft paper


Line work surface with garbage bag or newspaper

Place construction paper over lined work surface
Decided which pumpkin will get which glitter

Place small amount of glue on paint brush and brush a light layer of glue on section of pumpkin

Use spoon and sprinkle glitter over glue
Shake off any excess glitter and use construction paper to place glitter back into jar

Continue this process until entire pumpkin is covered
Make sure to shake off pumpkin when done
Allow 15-30 minutes to full dry
All done!!!

That's all today folks!
Peace & Love, 

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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