
DiY Mothers Day Relaxation Basket

Hi Friends,
Mother's Day is less than 7 days away, the perfect excuse to craft. 

I scoured the internet and Pinterest for some inspiration and decided on creating a relaxation basket with all the fixings for the perfect bath. What Mother doesn't need a little relaxing bath time?

The Baskets is filled with 

  • Lavender Infused Bath Bombs
  • Lavender Infused Bath Salts 
  • Lavender Infused Bath Tea
  • Lavender Infused Shortbread Cookies
  • Bottle Cap Magnets
  • A Chalkboard hang tag to go on the bathroom door

I made everything lavender scented because lavender is calming and relaxing. Over the next few days I will be sharing all the instructions to each project. I spent around $30-$35 for all of the projects. I am including the prices and places I shopped to make it easier on all of you. 

The first 3 people to comment will receive a free Mother's Day Relaxation Basket with all of my goodies included. This is my first giveaway and I'm super excited about it.

Today we making 

Lavender Infused Bath Bombs and Lavender Infused Bath Salts

Have fun! 

Lavender Infused Bath Bombs

2 cups baking soda - $.89 Safeway
1 cup cream of tartar - $5 Whole Foods
1/2 tbs olive oil - $8 - Safeway 
cosmetic grade soap dye, purple - $4.99 Michael's
2 tbs dried lavender - $3 Whole Foods
Water Spray Bottle - $2 CVS
Silicon or plastic trays - $1.99 each (I purchased 2 different trays a heart shaped and a rose shaped 
10-15 drops of lavender essential oil - $11.99 - Whole Foods (you will be using this oil in most of the projects)

Mix baking soda and cream of tartar
Add olive oil
Add Lavender Essential Oil
Add Cosmetic Grade Colorant (purple)
Mix everything together well, you might have to add a lot of purple colorant. I used 1/2 of the bottle and it still came out pink not purple
Give the mixture 2-3 sprays of water
it will sizzle because the water is reacting to the baking soda
Keep adding water until the mixture starts to feel more "solid" like wet sand
Once mixture is moldable add dried lavender
Fill your candy molds 
pat them down firmly so they set tight
I sprinkled some dried lavender in the bottom of a few molds to make it pretty

Let bombs dry for 1-2 days
I let my dry for 24 hours and they were ready 

Gently remove bath bombs
*if they crumble while being removed you did not add enough water. Add more water and allow to dray for another 24 hours

Decorate your mason jar and enjoy!

Lavender Infused Bath Salts

2 cups Epsom Salts - $4.39 CVS

10-15 drops Lavender Essential oil - $11.99 Whole Foods
8-10 drops Cosmetic Grade Soap Colorant, purple - $4.99 Michael's Crafts

Combine all ingredients and mix until combined well

Add more colorant until you are satisfied with the color
Add more essential oil until you are satisfied with the smell

I packed the salt into small mason jars, and decorated the jars with twine. 

I found these cute and classy measuring spoons at Cost Plus World Market for $12.99

They were a little expensive but they really fit the theme of the gift. 

***Remember the first 3 people to comment on this posting will receive a free Mothers Day Relaxation Basket 

That's all today folks



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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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