
Natural Skin Detox Recipes

Hi Friends

It's detox week, and today we are focusing on Natural Skin detoxes. You might even have most of the ingredients in your kitchen already, I did.

Why detox

  • Regular detoxing remove toxins from your body
  • Prevent chronic diseases
  • Detoxing rids the body of toxins stored in fat cells, which can also increase your metabolism
  • Detoxing can slow down the aging process
  • Improve skin quality
  • Restores balance to your bodies system
  • Enhances mental and emotional clarity
  • Typically increases energy levels and promotes a feeling of well being

Glowing Skin Detox Juice

2 small sweet apples
1/2 large cucumber
1/2 small lime (without skin)
2 handfuls of kale
Orange of parsley
add it all to your juicer and enjoy

I don't have a juicer so I made this into a smoothie by adding 1/2 cup of water. It wasn't the tastiest juice I've ever had, but sometimes that's what the doctor orders

Blueberry Mask

1/2 avocado
1 banana
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 cup blueberries
Blend all ingredients and apply to a clean face
Let mask sit for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water

This mask really hydrates skin and makes you look more youthful. I didn't have 20 minutes to let this mask really penetrate my skin. I let it sit for about 5 minutes before rinsing it off, and my skin was noticeably softer and more supple.

The Miracle Mask 
 2 tbs honey
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
Mix all ingredients together, it will be a thick paste consistency
Apply mask to face and let sit for 30 minutes
Wash off with warm water, scrubbing softly in a circular motion for exfoliation 

This mask is super thick, rich, and I had a hard not time licking it off my face. 

Oatmeal Honey Mask
3 tbs steel cut oats
1 tsp honey
2 tsp water
Chop or smash oatmeal into a dust 
Add honey and water
Stir until it looks like a paste
Slather on face and let sit for 15 minutes
Rinse off with warm water

This mask cleans your pores, soothe skins, tastes delicious, and only takes a few minutes to whip together. Its perfect for a quick, before "date night" mask. Your skin will glow when your done. 

Orange Face Mask

Juice from 1 orange
3 tbs Greek yogurt
2 tbs honey
2 tsp dried orange peel 
I couldn't find dried orange peel 
so I cut up a little of the rind and it did the trick

Combine all ingredients 
Stir well until fully mixed, it will be thick
Spread on freshly washed face
Leave for 15-30 minutes
Rinse mask with warm water
Store left over mask in fridge for up to 1 week

This mask moisturizes and gives your face a serious glow. It's a great mask to get rid harsh winter damage. Plus the freshly squeezed Orange Juice is full of zine and antioxidants

I had a ball making these masks and trying them all out. I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did. More natural detox recipes tomorrow. 

Blessing Friends


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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