
Challenge Monday

Fitness Challenge

I challenge you to complete my Abdominal Buddy workout 5 days this week

Challenge Synopsis

  • Complete my Abdominal Buddy Workout 5 days this week
  • Always focus on form rather than speed
  • Compete each exercise at a steady pace
  • Rest when you need it and always go before your ready
Why Why Why
  • We focused on butts and arms, now it's time to work that core
  • If you know me you know I'm obsess with having a flat toned stomach
  • These are my favorite, quick result - makes me feel strong like bull, abdominal exercises
  • Do not use weight if you are a beginner
  • Water
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Exercise mat or big towel
  • Lift dumbbells 3-5-8 pounds depending on your strength and experience

Abdominal Buddy Workout
*complete this exercise routine at your own risk
*for modified versions of these exercises email me
*do not use any weight over 10 pounds for these exercises unless you are advanced

Advance Inchworms
8-10 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets entire body

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, place hands on ground in front of your toes
  • Knees can be slightly bent, slowly walk your hands out away from your body until you reach plank position
  • Once you are in plank position complete one push up
  • Slowly walk your hands back towards your feet and stand
  • Complete one squat
  • That is one rep 

8-10 reps 
holding each rep for 2-3 seconds
**the slower the better
Complete 3 sets

Targets hamstrings, abs, and lower back muscles, isolates and strengths the butt
  • Start on back, hands by sides, knees bent, feet flat on ground directly under knees
  • Lift up into a bridge position with your core tight
  • Hold position for 2-3 seconds, then lower hips back down to ground
  • That is one rep

1 Legged Bridges 
8-10 reps, each leg
holding each rep for 2-3 seconds
**the slower the better
Complete 3 sets

Targets hamstrings, abs, and lower back muscles, isolates and strengths the butt
  • Start on back, hands by sides, knees bent, feet flat on ground directly under knee, extend left leg  straight out 
  • Lift up into a bridge position with your core tight
  • Hold position for 2-3 seconds, then lower hips back down to ground
  • That is one rep 

8-10 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets quads, butt, hamstrings, calves, lower back, core
  • Stand with feet hep width apart 
  • Sit back and down like your sitting in a chair
  • Lower down so thighs are parallel to the floor as possible 
  • Keeping your body tight, press your weight back up until your legs are straight 
Donkey Kicks
8-10 reps (each leg)
Complete 3 sets

Targets butt, core, quads
  • Start on all 4s with wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips
  • Lift one foot in the air bottom of foot facing up, knee bent
  • Tighten your core while you lift your leg higher, more than parallel to the floor, about 1-2 inches
  • Squeeze your butt muscles (gultes) as you lift your leg
  • Lower leg return to starting position and repeat
  • Switch sides
Backwards Leg Kicks
8-10 reps (each leg) 
Complete 3 sets

Targets butt, core, quads, hamstrings
  • Start on all 4s, keeping your toes pointed
  • Fully extend your left leg straight behind you 
  • Lift leg up and hold for 1-2 seconds, return you leg back to the ground
  • Only allow your toe to tap for a quick second and repeat
Sideways Leg Kicks
8-10 reps (each leg)
Complete 3 sets

Targets butt core, quads, hamstrings
  • Start on all 4s with wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips
  • Tighten your core while you fully extend your left leg straight behind lifted off the ground
  • Kick leg to the side 
  • Return leg to starting position and repeat
  • Switch sides 
Push Ups 
10 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets entire body

Crunchy Frog
8-10 reps
Complete 3 sets 

Targets core and endurance
  • Sit on floor with arms stretched out to sides, parallel to ground
  • Bring knees into chest without grabbing or touching your knees
  • Wrap hands around knees once knees are touching your chest

Roll Up Vs
8-10 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets core and endurance
  • Lie flat on back with legs straight up and arms extend overhead
  • Bring body up like standard sit-up touching hands to toes
  • Slowly lower torso towards floor simultaneously bringing legs up off the ground to 45 degrees 
  • Bring torso back up and reach for toes while legs are in the air, creating a jack knife with your body 

Backward Lungs
8-10 reps, each leg
Complete 3 sets

Targets quads, butt, hamstrings, core
  • Step right leg forward and lower your body to 90 degree angle
  • Step back with left leg and drop down into a lungs
  • Step left leg back to starting position
  • Alternate legs
8-10 reps
Complete 3 sets
Use light weights

Targets Core
  • Lie on back with knees bent and feet on floor
  • Tightly grip a light dumbbell in both hands extending it behind
  • In one motion raise dumbbell, gently reaching towards your shins as your knees lift towards your chest

Squat Walker
8-10 reps
Complete 3 sets 

Targets core, quads, hamstrings, butt, calves
  • Start in squatting position with quads parallel to ground and butt sitting back in an imaginary chair
  • Place hands behind head and interlock fingers
  • Elbow bent, by this time you should look like a duck
  • Began waddling forward one leg at a time
  • Make sure to stay in the squatting position the entire time

Hold for 60 seconds
Complete 3 sets

Targets core, obliques, butt, hips, quads, hamstrings, endurance 

Side Plank
Hold for 60 seconds, each side
Compete 3 sets 

Targets core, obliques, butt, hips, quads, hamstrings, endurance 

My Take 
I'm all about working out at home, just as much, if not more than workout out at the gym. I can dig in deep when I'm alone and really push myself hard without anyone around. I designed this workout to target your full body. You might recognize a few exercises from the past weeks, and I threw in some new ones. Try to attack this workout with the energy you would attack an hour at the gym. Your body will thank you

Nutrition Challenge
I challenge you drink at least one smoothie a day

Challenge Synopsis
  • Drink at least one smoothie a day
  • Use fresh or frozen fruits and veggies to jump start your metabolism
  • Try to use a colorful variety of goodies to add to your smoothies 
Why Why Why 
  • Fulfill your daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in one tasty drink
  • Weight control is a little easier when you are able to replace a meal with a liquid drink
  • Smoothies can ease the burden on your digestive system while you also consume lots of dietary fiber to help digestion
  • You can tailor your smoothie to reach your own personal health goals ie lower blood pressure, lower, improve fruit and vegetable intake, lower cholesterol, boost your metabolism 
  • Smoothies supply your body with the vitamins and minerals it requires to grow healthier hair, skin, nails, and they can make your skin glow 
  • Local fruits and vegetables fresh and/or frozen
  • High powered blender or smoothie maker
  • A little imagination
  • Protein powder - agave nectar - honey 
My Take
I'm on the smoothie train. It took me awhile to embrace them, but I'm hooked now. I can see the difference now that I'm drinking at lease one smoothie a day. I recommended a daily smoothie diet to anyone trying to reach any fitness goal. No only are they good for you, they are super tasty. 

Self-Help Challenge
I challenge you to complete one random acts of kindness everyday this week

Challenge Synopsis
  • Go out of your way everyday this week to be kind to others aka random acts of kindness
  • Do things that are out of the ordinary in your everyday routine 
  • Make sure to get out of your comfort zone and make somebodies day
  • Recruit your entire family into this weeks challenge, take the kids and tell them what your doing
Why Why Why
  • Most of us don't show enough kindness to the people around us
  • Being kind also allows us to feel compassion, patience, and love 
  • You will feel better about yourself after showing completing this weeks challenge
  • Complete one random act of kindness everyday this week
  • Here are a few examples  to get your creative and kindness juices flowing:
    • Leave a 100% tip at your favorite lunch spot
    • Pay for the car behind you, when crossing a bridge
    • Buy a $5 Starbucks card and leave it on a random persons job
    • Buy a drink for your local security guard of co-worker you see daily 
    • Put money in a meter that's not yours
  • A few Acts of Kindness 
  • Love in your heart
  • A good attitude
  • A little extra money this week
  • Check out this website for more ideas of kindness
My Take 

I'm pretty excited about this weeks challenge. I will be posting pictures all week of any acts of kindness that I randomly do. lol Stay tuned friends

That's all today folks,

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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