Seed Facts
Hi Friends!
What a wonderful weekend I had!!! This week is going to be the best week ever, I can feel it in my bones. I will admit I'm a little exhausted. Instead of relaxing and taking it easy I took on some serious DIY projects, creating a space just for me, organizing the kitchen, throwing away a lot of things we didn’t need, and cleaning the house from top to bottom. I'm happy with the outcome it wasn't easy getting everything done. I didn’t get to sit down at all on Friday or Saturday, not until it was time to go to bed. I did get to watch Annie, it was super cute but nothing beats the original version. It's crazy how many songs I remembered from that movie. I probably saw the original Annie over 100 times.
I have a few great DIY tutorials to share this week, but I figured I should get the important stuff out of the way first. This weeks Nutrition Challenge is to eat more seeds so I created a cheat sheet on the benefits of eating seeds. I love these fact sheets, I use them as a quick references to make sure I'm filling my body with all the right stuff.
The rest of the week will be all DIY all the time!!!