
Weekend Adventures, Skinny Jeans, & Blending vs Juicing


Once again we made it through another week. I have some big plans this weekend, and I can’t wait to get started.

Today my house is being sprayed for fleas. We have only been living here for 2 months, but we have had a flea problem since we moved in. Small bites have appeared on my feet and legs, as much as I would rather ignore the problem, I realize enough is enough, its time to KILL THEM ALL. Because of all harmful chemicals we are not allowed back in the house for 4-8 hours after they spray. Perfect excuse to have a stay-cation in San Francisco! Who doesn’t enjoy a nice hotel in city, I know this girl does.

We have a birthday bash to attend on Saturday, which I know will not disappoint. One of our best friends is turning 30 and we are doing up pretty big. A group of us are being shuttled to Drake's Bay, where we will be shoving oysters into our belly's. Can’t wait to get my oyster fix, and take in the beautiful scenery. Prepare yourself for pictures on Monday!!

After lunch/dinner we are heading back to SF to dance the night away in a random dive bar. I LOVE to dance, can’t wait to show everyone my funky moves.

Sunday I’m going to the 49ers game. We play the Colts in SF and we are looking to kill somebody after that horrible lost against the Seahawks last week. I know I’m ready to get the taste of defeat out of my mouth. I just need to figure out what I’m wearing to the game. What to wear, what to wear, that’s always my biggest question.

Look Look Look! I’m finally in a size 9! I’ve been working super hard yet my thighs haven’t been shrinking, they look as if they are expanding to me, but the scale and new jeans never lie.

Next week is another big week for me. I’m finally ready for a photo shoot. The pictures are for a before and after article I'm going to  send to a few magazines, I will also be included them on my website, and marketing material; but the most important reason I’m taking these pictures is to include them with my Book Proposal. If you didn’t know, I wrote a book about my weight loss experience, the book has been done for the last year, but I've been too scared to send it off to a publisher. I have no valid excuses now, it's time to be brave, it’s time to listen to my own advice and believe in myself.

To get ready for the most important photo shoot of my life I need to look lean, toned, and healthy, with a dash of sexy.  I have to eat super clean to make sure all of my cuts and muscles pop.

Time to start Blending and Juicing.

Another fun fact about my weight loss: I used a juicer at least once a day on my way down, I was never into blending I thought juicing was the best way to digest all of my fruits and vegetables. Now that I’m a lot more educated I realize Blending also has a lot of benefits.

I will be juicing and blending all week long in preparation for the most important pictures I have every taken.

Looking forward to this weekend and next week. I hope all of you have a blast!



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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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