
Stomping out Acne from the Inside out

Hi Friends!

I hope you had a good weekend, I sure did. I went to the 49ers vs Packers game. It was a hard hitting football game, and we won!!! Great start to the long season.

Around this this of year my face always breaks out like a teenage girl. I was diagnosed with eczema when I was 12 years old and its been a monthly battle ever since. My breakouts tend to happen when the season change, and it's the worst between Summer and Fall. My skin gets so dry that I get rash patchs that cover 20-30% of my body, and my face breaks out like I haven't washed it in ages. 

This year I'm taking a stand against my skin issues. I've been using cortisone  at the slightest sign of a breakout, and keeping the rashes at bay. My face has been another story. Its not too bad right now, but for some reason white heads show up on my face, and refuse to leave. Pimple grace my jawline which takes away from my natural beauty. 

I live by this next diagram. 

What Is Your Acne Telling You?

Zone 1 & 2 : Digestive System
Eat less process or junk food, reduce the amount of fat in your diet, step up water intake and opt for cooling things like cucumbers

Zone 3: Liver
Cut out the alcohol, greasy food and dairy. This is the zone where food allergies also show up first, so take a look at your ingredients. Besides all this, do 30 minutes of light exercise everyday and get adequate sleep so your liver can rest

Zone 4 & 5: Kidneys
Anything around the eyes, including dark circles, point to dehydration. Increase your water intake

Zone 6: Heart
Check your blood pressure, and Vitamin B levels. Decrease the intake of spicy or pungent food, cut down on meat and get more fresh air. Also look into ways to lower cholesterol, like replacing "bad fats" and "Good Fats" such as Omega 3 and 6 found in nuts avocados, fish and flaxseeds. Since this area is chocked full of dilated pores, check that your make up is not past its expiration date or is skin clogging. 

Zone 7 & 8: Kidney
Again... Increase your water intake! Cut down on aerated drinks like coffee and alcohol. These drinks will cause further dehydration

Zone 9 & 10: Respiratory System
Do you smoke? Have allergies? This is your problem area for both.  If neither of these is the issue don't let your body overheat, eat more cooling foods, cut down on sugar and get more fresh air. Also keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods that makes the body acidic (meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar) and adding more alkalizing food like green veggies and wheat grass juice. Another thing that most people forget dirty cell phones and pillow cases are two of the top acne culprits. This area is what they mostly affect. 

Zone 11 & 12: Hormones
This is the signature zone for stress and hormonal changes. and while both are sometimes unavoidable you can decrease their effect by getting adequate sleep, drink enough water, eating leafy veggies and keeping skin scrupulously clean. Another interesting point: breakouts in this area indicate when you are ovulating and on which side.

Zone 13: Stomach
Step up the fiber intake, reduce the toxin overload and dink herbal teas to help with digestion. 

Zone 14: Illness 
Zits here can be a sign that your body is fighting bacteria to avoid illness. Give it a break, take a yoga class, take a nap, take time to breathe deeply, drink plenty of water and know that everything always works out. 

I found this zone list to be 100% true. I hope it helps others as much as it has helped me. 

Enjoy your Monday!!

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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