
Labor Day Weekend and a Chili Cook-Off

Hello Friends

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. I know I did. 

What a crazy weekend. I don't drink anymore, but I had a horrible hangover yesterday. I went out with a couple of my guy friends and we tore up the town. I left my house at 2pm and didn't get back home until 3am. Good times! 

The Sausalito Art festival didn't disappoint this year. 

And the night went on and on and on

On Monday I went to a BBQ at Cavallo Point. I was only able to enjoy the grilled corn, but I still got my BBQ fix fulfilled. 

I slacked off on my workout this weekend. Today is going to be torture. Good thing I love the burn. Check out todays workout: 

10 minuted timed stretch
10 minuted timed foam rolling
New Cardio Intervals
Jumping Jacks
Jump Squats
Mountain Climbers
30 second break
High Knees
Plank Jacks
Speed Skates
Push Ups
30 second break
Mountain Climbers
Up-down hops
Criss-Cross hops
Wall Sits  
Complete each exercise for 30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds after 4 moves
Repeat 3x

2 minute rest

20 Walking Leg lift off lunges
20 Left Spider Man Planks
20 Right Spider Man Planks
20 Frogger hops
20 Speed skaters
20 Dive Bombers
20 Bridges
20 Plank Up Downs
20 Squat walkers
20 Lifted Leg Windshield Wiper Planks Right 
20 Lifter Leg Windshield Wiper Planks Left
Repeat each set 3x

2 minute rest

25 Plank Jacks
25 Plank Rolls
Plank 10s
60 second plank
60 second side plank left
60 second side plank right 
Repeat 3xs


Can't wait to kick my little booty! Looking forward to this one. 

I've decided to enter a local chili cook off. I'm not a huge chili person and I've never entered any cook-off. I figure its a wonderful opportunity to get my name out in the community and market my business in a creative way. 

The only draw back is... the cook off is in 3 weeks. I need to get a lot of marketing material together in these next few weeks. 

Create a few "Evolve with Me" shirts for myself and whoever helps me to wear
Create new business cards with my new business number
Create an Evolve with Me Newsletter to give away to people 
Create my website for easier access to read my blog
Create flyers to advertise my business with prices and program description
Create mailing list 
Find and Test a few healthy chili recipes
Find people to help me set- up, serve and cook the chili
Buy all ingredients, and figure out how to cook with a generator

I bet I'm forgetting a few things, but thats about the just of it. I'm looking forward to the challenge, and using my life coaching and motivational coaching skills to make sure I get everything done. 

Its time to get myself out there in the community, who knows who will be at this Chili Contest. I'm looking forward to doing something so out of my comfort zone. 

Alright my friends
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy the short week.


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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