
My Home Away From Home

My Home Away From Home 

My home away from home is situated on a small peak in the Marin Headlands overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge called Hawk Hill. Since I work from home, at local coffee shops, and restaurants I tend to spend a lot of time indoors and I hate it. 

Whether I need a quick recharge, a moment to center myself, or a break between clients, there is nothing more enjoyable to me than this a smooth drive up to my very own panoramic view of San Francisco. Jetting off on the last exist before you cross the historic Golden Gate Bridge, as soon as I see the hill my heart starts to elevate and the corners of my mouth start pointing towards the sky, the exact direction that I'm headed. 

The view at this location is breathtaking. I feel as if I'm on top of the world, able to see how big and peaceful San Francisco looks from this vantage point always inspires me to reach for my dreams.

Not only is Hawks Hill beautiful, it's also a very historical place that's played an important role in WWII. World War II fortifications were built on Hawk Hill to keep the newest battleships from reaching striking range. How cool is that? My home away from home has some seriously important history behind it. 


I was approach by an amazing site called DogVacay asking me where or what my home away from home is? 

I don't have any furry friends myself because I travel 6 months out of the year and would feel horrible neglecting a sweet, eager, pet for an extended period of time, but DogVacay might have swayed my pet adopting decision. It's one of those no-brainier sites that is a necessity for everyday people. Just because we are animal lovers doesn't mean we are home bodies. Their services are reliable, convenient, and straight to the point. The site hooks you up with reliable pet sitter in your neighborhood that are usually cheaper then the average kennel fees,  there are no cages, your pet gets personal attention, and belly rubs galore. They even send you daily picture updates! How cool is that? 

I am officially one step closer to adopting a furry companion now that I've found them, or should I say, they found me. Check them out!  


Blessings Friends,


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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