
Smoothies, Handstand workouts, and Exterminators

Hi Friends

I'm getting back into the swing of things. I hope you are too. 

I didn't get as much as I wanted to get done yesterday, today will be a long day, but I'm up for it. Lots of calling to locksmiths, finding a reliable exterminator, and working on my new website. 

Let's Talk Morning Smoothies

I never used to be into smoothies, especially green smoothies, but they have grown on me. I enjoy getting my fruit and vegetable fix in one easy, tasty, drink. My good friend Anna Frumkin over at www.greenglowlove.blogspot.com  is the Queen of Smoothies. She is studying to become a holistic nutritionist, and she's shares a lot of her favorite smoothies recipes on her blog weekly. 

I'm an avid oatmeal eater for breakfast, but its time to add a green smoothie into the mix. Not only are they tasty, healthy, and chalked full of natural energy, they are easily made and smoothies tend to keep me full for a few hours. 

Here are my favorite smoothie recipes:
All found at www.greenglowlove.blogspot.com

Green Goddess Smoothie
1 banana
1/2 cup frozen spinach
1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
2 tsp hemp protein 
1- 1/2 cup water or coconut water

Pineapple Chocolate Love Smoothie
1 cup pineapple
1 cup frozen spinach
1 banana
1 scoop Vega Chocolate protein
2 cups water

Blueberry Mango Protein Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen organic spinach
1/2 organic banana
1/3 frozen blueberries
1/3 frozen mango
1/2 plain coconut milk yogurt
1 tsp ground flaxseed
dash cinnamon
handful organic pumpkin granola 

The goal is to start drinking smoothies after my oatmeal. I'll let you know if I'm successful. 

Lets talk Killer Arm Workouts

I read 10s of blogs daily. It gives me inspiration and great ideas to bring to my blog. I also enjoy leaving comments commending the blogger for good posts. Everyone likes to know their content is appreciated by the public. 
I ran across www.lovingfit.com and I fell in love with Gina. She is a super bad ass, riped out, beautiful, knowledgeable, friendly, and funny woman. There are some seriously hard workouts posted on her site, they look so hard they made me drool with excitment.

Check her out 

I've been trying to complete her Amped Up Upper Body workout, where you are upside down most of the time. Its seems ridiculously hard at first, but I know if I keep completing the routine it will get easier and easier in time. 

For the last few years I've been obsessed with hand stand push-ups. By the time I master this routine Hand-stand Push-ups will be cake. At least I hope they will be.

Time for be to get to work. I have to call an exterminator today. We have wolf spiders, and as much as I don't mind spiders, its time to get some reinforcement.  

Blessings Friends 

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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