
Web Desiging and Healthy + Unhealthy Eating


I’ve been busy, busy, busy, can you tell? I’m enjoying the new layout of my blog, a little tweaking needs to be done, but I really like where it headed. It was super hard making decisions about background patterns, tab labels, and color scheme. For now pink and gray won the battle, but who knows, I might change everything tomorrow.

I connected my blog to www.evolvewithmary.com, its coming up on my computer, but not on my ipad and my iphone, so I will be calling godaddy again, trying to figure out what the problem is. The people at godaddy are pretty helpful, and I don’t mind holding for 3-5 minutes.

Healthy and Unhealthy Eating

I broke down last night and made my boyfriend fried chicken. He has never tasted my fried chicken, because I haven’t fried anything in years, oven fried yes, deep friend No, No, No. He’s been very supportive of my health food obsessions without any complaints. I figured he needed a little reward. I’ve been frying chicken since I was 10-11 and I have a few tricks to make sure it comes out crispy, juicy, and flavorful. This batch didn’t disappoint. I didn’t get to taste it, but it sure did smell good,and my boyfriend had no complanits.

I had a melody of vegetables for dinner, white onions, shallots, yellow bell pepper, broccoli, and kale, all sautéed together with a little light soy sauce. It was delicious.

Yesterday I brought home hot dogs for lunch. All beef franks for my friends and morning star veggie hotdogs for myself. Pulled out my foreman grill and got some fresh homemade hotdog buns from a bakery. Can you guess which one is the beef dog and which is the veggie dog?

I didn’t taste the beef dog, but the veggie one was delicious.

I’m supposed to complete a full body workout today, but my legs are killing me. I could hardly walk down my stairs last night. As much as I love to push myself, I’m learning its just as important to rest your body when its tried.  No workout for me today! I’m turning today into a rest day, which means I will have to exercise on Saturday.  My goals is 5 days a week, M-F off Saturday and Sunday, unless I need a break during the week. Its been working well so far. I usually don’t weight myself, but the scale at my new gym always tempts me. I’m down 10 pounds from 3 weeks ago, which is pretty good,  especially since I wasn’t trying to loose any weight.

I’ve been feeling toned and happy, my body is healthy and glowing. Ankle weights have enhanced my abdominal workout. I can feel myself getting stronger and leaner. Everyday I’m getting closer and closer to my goals, which only inspires me to set higher goals to conquer.

Back to work….

Blessings my friends,


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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