
Facts and Fashion



The cinnamon and honey cleanse did not sit well with me. I woke up this morning made my oatmeal and the cleanse. 10 minutes into trying to choke the cinnamon honey mixture down I started feeling a little woozy. 20 minutes later I had to leave my office and lay down, my heart rate was elevated, and I just didn’t feel right. Please try this cleanse at your own risk. I will not be continuing. I did some research on this cleanse yesterday and they warned that some people can become overly stimulated by the mixture.

On a lighter note…

Check out these fun fitness facts

Now lets talk fashion

It's getting closer and closer to the concert and outfit choices are constantly invading my thoughts. What to wear to the Legends of Summer tour, what to wear.

I’m a Jay-Z fan more then a Justin Timberlake fan, so I want to be a lot more urban then “suit and tie”ish. I had the idea of going to the Haight (for those of you that don’t know the Haight is a famous hippy neighbourhood of San Francisco) to look for a vintage Jay-Z shirt. I like cutting shirts up and adding a little flare. Something like this:

I’m going to try to work on making one of these shirts tonight. I found this DIY video that looks promising. 

I want to look sexy but different. Depending on the weather I’m going to wear high waist(ed) pants, or high waist(ed) short shorts, or a short leather mini skirt. 

I need help with this one.

What shoes should I wear? I will admit that I am not a fan of flats. I could see me pulling this outfit off with some sexy black flat military style boots, that I see a lot of women stomping around in, but that’s not sexy enough for me. I like heels. Maybe wedges are the way to go.

Thanks for checkin in. 
Hearts my Friens
Type to you soon 

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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