
It's Fair Season

 Hello Friends

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it count!

I’ve been enjoying myself this summer. Taking in the sun, working on my tan, exercising outside, taking hikes, and just plain having a great time.

This week is fair week and I can’t freakin’ wait.

I love fairs!!! The food, the rides, the games, mmmhummm it’s my favorite time of year. My parents used to let my sister and I go to all the local fairs alone. They would join us for the big State Fair in Sacramento, but all the other ones, the Lawrence Sisters dominated without help. I don’t remember the actual fairs that much. I remember the food and all the people. I remember getting to a certain age when it wasn’t about the fair anymore, it was about all the boys that were going to the fair. Oh the good old days when we had “who can get the most phone number from guys” competitions. My sister always won. I was uncomfortable in my skin with no confidence. She was beautiful, with too much confidence. But that didn’t ruin the fun. It was still a time in my life that I will never forget. I wonder if my parents would still let us attend local fairs alone now. Times have changed, but there is nothing like teenage independence.

The Marin Fair starts tomorrow, and the last day is Sunday. I already have plans to attend the fair two times, but I’m sure I’ll find excuses to go more than twice.

I’m going with my good friend Nicole tomorrow, its opening day, and we want to take in the sites and sounds, plus I love me some fair food!!!

I have plans with my mother on Sunday!! The Pointer Sisters are performing at 7:30pm and I invited her to come and see them with me. I love Motown Music, and the Pointer Sisters are Classics! “Jump for my Love”, “I’m so excited” and “Happiness” are some of their more famous songs. I can’t wait to shake my booty to the music and enjoy the experience with my Mother. I like making these kinds of memories. We will both never forget the time we saw The Pointer Sisters together at the Marin County Fair.

How sexy are these sisters?? Look how fashion forward they were. They were flashing Side Boob before it was OK to do. Back in those days any push of the envelope was huge, and I know that side boob caused some attention. My kind of women.

Speaking of Sisters
My sister and I are thinking about getting matching Tattoos. Well we were already supposed to have matching tattoos, but she chickened out. The story goes, my Father came home with a tattoo the spelled out D A M in stars, it has a symbolic meaning for our family and my sister and I wanted to get the same tattoo. Never one to say NO to his daughters, my father took us to a tattoo Parlor in Downtown Oakland and let us get whatever we wanted. My sister and I decided to get D A M exactly the way my father did. We also decided on getting California Girl, my sister always wanted it, me not so much, but if it was going to be a match tattoo I figured I could live with it.

I went first. The tattoo was pretty painless. They were both done within 10 minutes and I was excited to see how my older sister handled the pain. She only lasted 3 minutes under the needle, then she screamed out in pain and told me she couldn’t get California Girl that night. It hurt too bad. I was pissed, but not super pissed, she is my sister, and that shit does hurt.

For the last 10 years I’ve been walking around with California Girl on my Right Shoulder, its one of my more visible tattoos, and many people ask me about it. I am a California Girl; I love the Beach Boy song, and the Katie Perry Song so I’ve learned to embrace the questions and complements. Well its tattoo time again. My sister promises to get California girl but we also want to get something else. I’ve been searching the Internet for something that will inspire me to create cool matching tattoo for us to get. These two tattoos speak to me. What do you think?

They said there is going to be a heat wave until Thursday, but I woke up this morning and it was overcast and windy. My little heart sunk. I love the sun. I like it when its hot. Most people don’t realize that the Bay Area isn’t as hot as Southern California. The Bay is cold!! Super cold truthfully. One of our most famous San Francisco Quotes is: The coldest winter I ever endured was a summer in San Francisco. WE have a running joke in the City you can tell if someone is a tourist if they are wearing shorts. Everyone that visits packs for Southern California Weather, little do they know its almost 10-25 degrees colder. You usually see families in short shorts, flip flops and touristy San Francisco sweat shirts they just had to purchase because its freezing and they were not prepared. All in all I don’t like to complain. But I wanted to lay out and work on my tan today. Oh well. Guess I have to work instead.

Lets talk healthy Eating

I’m starting meal plans for my current personal training clients, as an add on service. A lot of people are taking advantage of my knowledge and that warms my heart. Here’s what I eat for breakfast:

My breakfast always includes oatmeal and blueberries. I might add a boiled egg, or fruit, but I always have oatmeal to start the day right, oatmeal and a big glass of water. I used to avoid oatmeal, I looked at it as carbs, and I try to avoid carbs as much as I can, especially early in the morning. But I found that oatmeal fills me up, keeps me “regular”, and is something I truly enjoy eating on a daily bases.

I am a potato girl. I love hash brown. Love is probably an understatement, I’m slightly obsessed with hash browns, but if I eat them as much as I would like to my body tends to get bigger. My stomach grows, and I can’t fit into my sexy skinny jeans. I used to have hashb rowns, eggs and toast for breakfast, but it was just too many calories to consume early in the morning. I couldn’t burn enough calories to maintain such a hardy habit. So oatmeal it is. Which one looks more appetizing to you?

Alright folks

Today I have a big meeting with one of my Personal Training Friends. We want to start a new business and today is the first meeting. Can’t wait to see what we can put together.

Exercise of the Day: 
Add these Mountin Climbers to your current cardio routine and see improvement in your cardio endurance.
Complete 60 secondes of moutain climbers twice, with a 20 second marching break inbetween sets. 

... Go Before your Ready!
Your heart rate is going to shoot up while complete the first set of moutain climbers, it's going to be challengeing to complete the first 60 seconds, but don't give up. Once 60 seconds is over march in place for only 20 seconds then: GO BEFORE YOUR READY!!! I promise you will still be breathing heavily when its time to start your second set. That's ok! Push yourself, find that second wind and work toward the body you always wanted to have. 
Type to you tomorrow

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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