
TRX, Planks and Stroller Strides

Hello My friends

What a freaking weekend!!!

It kicked my booty!!!

I went to the Marin Fair last night with my mother. We had a good time together, bonding, dancing, and just plain hanging out.

I got my fill of the fair, and the Pointer Sisters turned it out!! They put on one hell of a show.

This is going to be a good week. I’m still on a mission to find more Personal Training, and Life Coaching clients. I have added a few more clients to my roster but I’m always hungry for more. I’m trying to come up with more creative ways to market myself, while meeting new people. I’ve been exercising outside at different parks around the bay area. I do draw attention to myself, but not the kind of attention that’s going to help me gain clients.

Here are some new ideas I’m going to implement by the end of the month.

TRX Suspension trainer uses gravity and bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises. It is an effective total body workout that helps build a strong core, while increasing muscular strength and endurance.

I have a TRX that is collecting dust, and I think it’s time to break it out. I don’t like to use it at home because I’m not 100% confident that the doorframe can handle my entire body weight. At most parks there are pull up bars that I can hook it up to.

The TRX is eye catching. Whenever I use it in public many people come up to me and ask me about it. I think this is an excellent, inventive, and creative way to start a conversation with random people about different training methods. Plus, I get to challenge myself while keeping my body guessing.

Stroller Stride

Who needs to get in shape more then new mothers? The traumatic, and beautiful, experience of pregnancy is enough to make anyone want to start a new workout regiment. With that in mind, I plan to start a local stroller stride in Sausalito.

I have been looking into stroller stride workouts, and practicing a few of them at home. Sometime this week I’m going to goodwill to purchase a stroller. The goal is to practice my stroller stride workouts outside and talk to any mothers walking by, I’ll post sign up sheets, for my new upcoming stroller stride class, with my information all over Sausalito and see what happens.

These are my latest ideas. I would truly appreciate input or suggestions from anyone. #eachoneteachone

Lets Talk about planks 

I am a firm believer in planks. Once I started incorporating planks into my regular workout routine, I noticed my stomach felt stronger, and looked flatter.

Always one to maximize any results, I’ve been adding complexed planks into my daily workouts.

It started with holding a basic plank on my elbows for 60 seconds.
Within 2 weeks I increased it to 90 seconds
Within 2 weeks I added plank rotations into the mix
Within the next 2 weeks I added plank up downs into my routine
By this time 15-20% of my exercise routine had some kind of complex plank movement

I can’t explain how strong I feel, how flat my stomach is, and how close I am to actually seeing my sexy little 6 pack. I know my diet is a factor of not seeing all of my true results, and I plan on attacking my diet head on in August. But right now…… I am sooooo freakin happy with what I’m working with.

Planks are the Way!!!

Please add some planks into your workout routine. Planks aren’t just good for your core, they also work your arms.

I’ve been attacking challenges for the last few months, and I tried the 100 push up challenge but stopped it because I didn’t like the program. I still desire toned arms. I weight train with Kettle bells 3 times a week, and my arms have defiantly become a lot strong, but not as defined as I would like. I find that planks are starting to give me that “cut” look that I’ve been searching for.

My favorite plank exercise  

This exercise targets the muscles of your core, while also strengthening your shoulders and triceps.

All right my friends.
I have lots more to share, but I feel like I should save a little for tomorrow.

Sending my love!!!
Type to you soon.

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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