
Hiking, Talking, Dreaming and Hoping

Happy Friday My Friends!!
We made it

Today is a going to be a great day. I was supposed to go to an networking event tonight, but I've decided to hang out with some old friends instead. Its friday night, and these friends haven't been in town since last year. 

I went on a hike a few days ago. There is nothing like California. I grew up here, and I'm still constantly  overwhelmed by its beauty. I met my BFF at Thornton Vista, off of the Great High Way. The Great High Way allows you to drive right next to the beach. It's a beautiful yet distracting drive, that I truly enjoy. I used to go to the beach on a weekly bases. I got a lot of good writing done in my car staring at the ocean. 

When I pulled into Thornton Vista I wasn't really impressed. I've seen some seriously challenging hiking trails and this looked like a beginners course. My goal was to get my heart rate up and keep it up during the hike, so I wouldn't have to do my cardio interval routine later in the day, but this hike look unpromising. My girl showed up and we started the trail. There were horse stables near the beginning of the trail, that you could rent and ride down to the beach.... Wait.. am I on a Flavor of Love Date? Or is this really San Francisco at it's finest. 

Bypassing the horse stable, we start making our way down a steep hill/trail. The view was amazing, and I start to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. Maybe this won't be a hike that challenges my cardiovascular system, but that doesn't mean it's a bad hike. 

We walk for 10 minutes on a small trail covered by overgrown crunch flowers. At one point we had to walk through the vegetation towards the vista. Finally I saw the steep trail leading down to the beach. I was excited and realized the work was going to come when it was time to walk back to the cars. I could handle that. We safely scaled more than a few rocks and made it down to Thornton Beach. There might have been 3 other people there enjoying the privacy. 

What a wonderful spot to hike. Being able to catch up with my BFF is always priceless. We spent the next hour walking on the beach, at an brisk pace, while talking about our goals and any issues we are having in our lives. I haven't spent that much time with my girl where we can just talk. It was refreshing to talk openly about my goals, and dreams and not be judged. She confided in me about a mutual friend, and her strange tactics. 

I've been studying non stop to become an knowledgeable and effective Life Coach and I finally got to share some of it with my friend. I was able to analyze what certain friends were doing and why. Most of the time when people treat others badly it has nothing to do with the that person. It has everything to do with self esteem, self worth, and a feeling of needing to be right all the time, by the aggressor. It felt great sharing all that I've learned so far. 

Next thing I knew it was time to hike back to the cars. This is where the real work started. Scaling sandy hills to make it back to the trail, then climbing steep hills, while avoiding horse shit and actual horse. I was panting and sweating by the time I unlocked my Mazda. 

It was truly a great hike, and i'm happy I took the time out to hang out with my bestie and share my knowledge. 

When i got home my girl texted me and said: 

I always felt comfortable talking to you and exchanging ideas and getting advice. That being said, I saw you on another  level today. Its is so thrilling to be able to talk to you and get advice or feedback because your knowledge is apparent. You are growing and i'm thankful to have first-hand accessibility to your brain. 

I cried when i read the message. It wasn't an ugly cry, but a single tear out of my left eye, sort of cry. It feels good to know that i'm not on this journey for no reason. That my plans for the rest of my life is valid. That i'm on the right track. 

I've shared a lot of myself on this blog. A lot of my insecurities, worries and fears. My biggest fear is that I'm wasting my time trying to save the world. That my constant effort to spread love and help people evolve into who there were born to be is a sham, and in a years time I'll be back at some dead end job, just waiting for my paycheck every other week. 

As time goes by I realize that I am on the correct track. I receive nothing but encouragement from all of my friends, and family. 

This blog is called Evolve with Mary because I am constantly evolving. One day soon I hope to meet the Women I was born to become. I think she's destined to be a bad ass, and I can't wait to see if I have been right all this time. 

alrighty my friends.

Enjoy the weekend. 

Type to you soon

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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