
Stretch It Out

Hi Everyone!

Today is a great day. I know I usually start out like that, but hey, what can I say, I’m a naturally positive person. 

Squat Challenge Day 17, 5/30/13 (0 Squats)
Ab Challenge Day 17 completed on 5/30/13

I think I’m still recovering from that long weekend, but at least I only have one more day to go. 

Today I want to talk about the importance of stretching. My boyfriend is an avid stretcher. WE both plan on getting our Yoga certification within the next year. I want to teach yoga, he wants to improve his practice. Talking last night we decided to come up with a stretch of the day and post it on this blog. To get you guys ready of all of this wonderful stretching that’s coming at you, I want to discuss why stretching is so important, and the benefits for a regular stretching regiment.

Always one to keep it real and share the facts, studies about the benefits of stretching are mixed. Some say stretching may help you improve flexibility which may help your athletic performance, and decrease your risk of injury. Other studies prove stretching does not benefit you at all.

I understand and respect studies but I also know that a regular stretching routine has benefited my every day life, and my athletic performance like nothing else. I will continue stretching regardless of what studies prove and do not prove.

Here are some benefits of a regular stretching regiment

  • Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles.
  • Stretching improves your range of motion in joints and tendons.
  • Stretching promotes good posture, better blood flow and confidence
  • Stretching is great for glutes (your booty)
  • Stretching helps elevate tight overworked muscles after a workout
  • Stretching is great for your thoracic spine

I will admit I was the kind of person that didn’t put much effort in on warm ups, and always skipped the cool down section of my workout. I just did not enjoy stretching; it seemed to be tedious, annoying, and painful. I would rather plop down on the couch as my reward for working up a sweat, but I was always super sore within a hour after my workout, sometimes the soreness would last for weeks at a time. It was uncomfortable and discouraging. I love to be sore, but my soreness was taking over my life. When I got into Bikram yoga, I noticed attending the class curbed a lot of my aches and pains. I slowly started to incorporate stretching into my warm up and cool down, treating it like a gift instead of a curse. Now, if I don’t stretch I know my body will hurt like hell then next day. If I am nice to myself and stretch my body seem to enjoy it, and the next day is a lot more enjoyable for me.

All this stretching talk and we haven’t mentions the benefits of being flexible. I’m a very flexible girl. I’m still not able to do the splits, yet I’m always actively working on opening my hips to make the splits possible. Being flexible is sexy, flirty, and satisfying. I started treating stretching like working out, pushing myself a little pass the point of pain and holding the stretch to get the true benefits. I also know stretching improved my sex life. I won’t go into details, but I will admit my boyfriend enjoys this limper workout fanatic.

*Stretching is great foreplay. Sometimes I start bending my body in different direction in front of my man. Its not always to get him excited, most of the time my muscles are tight and I’m trying to alivate some of the tension. Regardless of the reason, I notice my boyfriend perks up when I start touching my toes, or completeling diffent yoga stances. I think the angles are pretty sexy, and sometimes, if I’m lucky, my stretching time turns into “good lovin” time. One more thingevery since I started the squat challenge it is challenging for me to perform at my best when I can hardly bend my legs. Since last week I have been stretching before sex. If I don’t I won’t be able to complete my “womanly duties.”

I hope you all find the joy in stretching.

Coming soon
Stretch of the day!!!

Dinner last night

I love potatoes and my favorite potato dish is Patatas Bravas. Patatas Bravas is a dish from Spain, its fried potatoes with a spicy tomato sauce. I am a potato fan, and a spicy fan, so I’m in heaven when I get my hands on some good Patatas Bravas. On my quest I found a new tapas restaurant called Bocadillos, in the Financial District. http://www.bocasf.com  OMG not only were the Patatas Bravas amazing but the rest of the food was just as good. We will defiantly be revisiting that restaurant some time soon.

                      Patatas Bravas!!!

                  Lamb Burger... Only 6 bucks!

                   Charred Corn Salad

                 Prawns with Crispy Garlic

Last but not least.

I am attending a Life Coaching Certification class in two weeks and I can’t wait. I already have some Life Coaching clients, and I know this class will improve my skills, and techniques. The teacher of the class just contacted me to make sure all my questions had been answered, and make a personal connection with me before the class. I like this program already. I truly appreciated him taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk to me. I can’t wait to share my new knowledge with all of you.

Alrighty then…

1 more day until the weekend, try to hold on.



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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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