
Fat Facts... No Fiction here

Hello Everyone!

Lets hit the ground running today, and push ourselves to be our best self.

Squat Challenge Day 2 completed on 5/14/13
Ab Challenge Day 2 completed on 5/14/13
Kicking butt and taking names!!

Dammit! I was trying to work in a quick game of facebook tetris but it wouldn’t load, and now I need to go ahead and finish this blog posting. I know they say that Macs can’t get viruses, I’ve been a Mac Girl since 2000 and my computer has never ran so slow. Oh well, I guess the universe wants me to finish this posting before rewarding myself with my favorite guilty pleasure.

I have never shared my book with this blog, but today is the day. When I lost all that weight 5-6 years ago I wanted to track my progress, my ups and downs, and my successes and failures. I have always been an avid journal writer, so writing a book wasn’t as daughting as I once thought it would be. The book has been close to done for the last 2-3 years, and I am currently working on a book proposal and query letter. Both of these documents are necessary in obtaining an agent or a publisher, and I have been taking this process very seriously.

Taking myself seriously is an job in itself. I believe in myself, but sometimes it’s hard to image other people wanting to read about my struggles with weight and body dysmorphia. I want to be a living example and proof that with hard work and lots of sweat you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I like to be as politically correct as possible, and I have been doing a lot of research about Americans and weight loss. They are so many interesting percentages and facts that I wanted to share my newly learned knowledge with all of you.

36% dieted for 1-6 months
11% Dieted for 7-12 months
12% dieted for 12 months or more
The Famous New Years weight loss Resolution usually doesn’t stick.

1-3 Americans
Are obese today

Projected percentage of obese Americans in 2034

20 Billion
Annual Revenue of the US weight loss industry which includes diet books, diet drugs, and weight loss surgery

108 Million
Number of people on diets in US

Percentage of female customers consuming weight loss products and services

1 hour
Daily amount of time spent exercising by people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for over 5 years

Number of people who had Bariatric Surgery in 2009

$11,5000 to $26,000
The average cost of Bariatric surgery, which reduces the size of the stomach

$500,000 to 3 Million
Average salary paid to celebrity endorsers 

Aren’t these facts crazy!!! I have been sprinkling this data into my book proposal and query letter to highlight the issue of weight loss in American. I find them to be very compelling and interesting. A lot of money is spent and wasted on weight loss hopes and dreams. I am prompting change that doesn’t have to cost millions of dollars a year. I’m looking for change within, accountability for yourself, and just a little push from a fellow friend. All so we realize that there is light at the end of this crazy weight loss tunnel.

It seems like odds are against all of us.
So I want to leave you with this number

Percentage of people who loose 100+ pounds and keep it off over 5 years


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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