
Happy Calorie Counting Thursdays!


We have just one more day until the weekend. I can’t wait

Today I want to focus on tips for cutting belly fat. Belly fat is a reoccurring theme on my blog. I have been fighting belly fat since I was 13 years old, so I am always searching for new tips and facts about this subject matter. 

Belly fat is a problem area for women and men.

Before I provide you with tips lets dive a little deeper and look at the cause and effect of belly fat.

Belly fat is a confirmation of an unhealthy lifestyle that involves overeating and not exercising. Belly fat is a build up of visceral fat, which give you the unattractive appearance of a pronounced and protruding belly. Belly fat can lead to problems like: high blood pressure, heart disease, insulin resistance, and even Alzheimer’s.

So now that we know a little more history, lets talk about how to zap belly fat forever!

Reducing belly fat involves a mix of smart eating and effective exercise.
You must eat enough food to avoid hormonal imbalances, so starving yourself is not the answer. Trust me I’ve tried eating small amounts of food in hopes of shrinking my belly, only to be tired, bloated, irritably, and light headed. You must eat, but you can make healthier choices. Eating fewer than 1200 calories a day will reduce the amount of fat burning hormones leptin in the body, and will slow down weight loss.

Doing regular posture building exercises helps to slim your belly
Good posture helps you look slimmer instantaneously
Completing a posture building routine everyday will strengthen your abdominal muscles.
* for more information about posture building exercises check out this link

CARDIO!!! CARDIO!!! CARDIO!!!           
High intensity interval training is an effective way to reduce belly fat, but any cardio is a move in the correct direction. Cardio is our friend, so find something you enjoy doing, walking, running, spin class, elliptical, jumping rope, Zumba, anything that gets your heart pumping is a step in the correct direction.

Watch that stress           
Too much of the stress hormone, Cortisol, can increase the amount of fat you store around your belly. Stress is taking over our world, with worries of public safety, job security, and relationship woes, stress easily affects all of us. Try to take time out of your day for yourself, and look for ways to de-stressing yourself and your life.

Oatmeal for breakfast          
A secret to obtaining flat abdominal includes a diet that help shrink your midsection. Good foods to eat are high in fiber that don’t bloat you. Your breakfast should consist of oatmeal with blueberries. The fiber in oatmeal will help with digestions, and the antioxidants in blueberries will help shed belly fat. 
*2 weeks ago I started eating unflavored oatmeal with flax seeds that I found at Whole Foods. I sweeten it up with a little honey, and added a handful of blueberries. I must admit I can see a difference. Check the results out for yourself. 

abdominal shot April 8, 2013

abdominal shot April 29, 2013
I love oatmeal now!! 

Water Water Water
A glass of water every morning can help alkalize your body, which helps burn fat and detox your system. Lemon water is even better.  
*I will admit I don’t like to drink water first thing in the morning, washing my morning breath down my throat isn’t something I look forward to, but water is important, and I have been making it a point to drink in the mornings. Please don’t ask if I’m getting my 6-8 glasses a day. I’m not but I am trying.

Read your food labels    
Read your food labels very carefully. Trans fat can increase the amount of fat you hold around your midsection. Try to consume more Monounsaturated fatty acids, they burn fat like avocados, olive oil, almonds, and pistachios. These foods help keep your belly full.

These are some tips that I have worked into my daily life. I hope this list inspires you to do the same. Remember you have to start somewhere. I hope you start living a better life today.

Pop sugar, 2/28/2013, by Leta Shy

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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