
Food, Fashion, Fitness and Fun

It’s Friday!!!
HEEEYYY!!! I’m happy it Friday! I can’t wait to get this weekend started.

Squat Challenge Day 4 completed on 5/16/13
Ab Challenge Day 4 completed on 5/16/13

Ok Ok so you know I’m all about challenges now a days. While cruising on google+, and trying to expand my network I found

I’m starting to follow more and more blogs and this one is a keeper.

Sooooooo I’ve been tired and uninspired during my workouts this week. I’m just not ready to jump back in and kick my own ass. Instead of beating myself up, like I usually do, I have embraced my tiredness and amended my workout schedule. I’m keeping up on the challenges, I’m keeping up on my Kettle Bell Routine, and I even added jump roping into the mix.

I’m going to go easy on myself, not beat myself up too much about not wanting to torture myself, then next week it starts!!! The sweat the pain and most importantly the results!! 

Today used to be confessions Friday, old habits die hard, and I have a confession that I want to share with all of you.

Since I came back from vacation I have been late night snacking like crazy. I’m not sure why, well I actually know exactly why, I’m not consuming enough protein and food during the day. So when night comes my body freaks out and I get super hungry around 10pm-12am. I’ve been trying to keep myself in check, but it’s hard, and I’m hungry. I’ve been being a lot nicer to myself, and even though I can see the effects of my late night eating on my body, it seems like no one else can. That’s no excuse, but I am hungry and I need a better solution then I’m just going to fight the hungry. I usually eat snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner, but lately I have been skipping those snacks, because of my lack of working out. Skipping the calories doesn’t equal weight loss, it equals late night snacking for me. Back to my raw almonds, smoothies, raw veggies and baked salmon between meal. You know I’ll let you know how it plays out. 

My weight-training schedule can be intense and I know my body is missing animal protein, but my body doesn’t process animal protein well at all. I’ve tried a few different protein supplements, muscle milk hurt my stomach, whey protein hurt my stomach, and soy protein also hurt my stomach. I did a little research yesterday and found a product called egg white protein. This could work! I’m very hopeful that egg white protein will not hurt my belly since I eat eggs 5-6 times a week already. Today I’m going to go to the vitamin store and pick up some protein and some other goodies.

We already have something to talk about next week.

Ok Ok OK enough with the fitness stuff.

I found a throwback picture I wanted to post. It’s embarrassing but it’s me. We talked about fast food yesterday and I found a picture of myself eating one of my many last meals. Last meals are meals before you start your life change. When I made the decision that I was going to start exercising and eating better I always set a date for me to start, the day before that date is the best day in the world. Its last meal day, I ate everything I wanted, and the night this picture was taken, we went to 3 different fast food joints grabbing all of my favorites. I would say I don’t recommend you doing this, but hey, it worked for me. I will admit I’ve had over 50-60 last meals in my lifetime, but at least one of them stuck. 

What I am wearing!!

This is a new one. I love fashion, I have a fun fashion sense that usually makes me stand out in crowds. I’m going to post a few pictures and see if you can figure out the recurring item. 

 Are you done guessing??

I found this ring in Providence Rhode Island during a random shopping trip. I like funky jewelry that is eye catching, but still trendy and cute.I love beards, but mustaches are the style now. I wear this ring everyday, I get tons of compliments, and I wanted to share a little bit of Mary with you guys.

This has been an inspiring week. I changed the blog around and I love it. I feel a lot more connected to you guys, and I also spend a lot more time on my blog content. Thank you all for stopping by and reading my rants, dreams, and supporting all of my goals.

I’m going on a hike today. I’ll post pictures soon.

Blessings My Friends
Ms Mary

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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