
Fairs, Fashion, Cellulite...

It’s Friday!!! We made it!!!

Squat Challenge Day 11, 5/23/13 (110 Squats)
Ab Challenge Day 11 completed on 5/24/13

As much as I am looking forward to this 3-day weekend I must admit I have no plans. No invitations to a party, or BBQ, no family gathering, no friends in town. So the pressure is on to find some fun activities to do this weekend. I have a few ideas, and I figured I would share them with you guys, because that’s what I do.

I usually avoid the movies on weekends like this, but since I have no plans, it might be fun to see the latest flick. I still haven’t seen OZ, Iron Man 3, or The Great Gabsy, maybe I’ll buy tickets to the Kabuki theater, it’s 21 and over, and they serve food and drinks. That’s could be a lot of fun.

Miniature Golf           
I have been trying to go miniature golfing for the last 10 years. No one is particular excited to accompany me, but I know it would be a great time. It sounds super corny, but once you get out there I know everyone will find their inner child. My inner child is always around; I think that’s one of my problems. http://www.malibugrandprix.com/site/Redwood/

GoKart Racing
I love to drive. I think I’m a better diver then most people, especially my other half. There’s an awesome GoKart Racing place in Burlingame  that I really want to go to. I feel like it might be pack on Memorial day, but I still think it would be fun. www.gokartracer.com

Hiking Angel Island
Living is Sausalito I have a pretty amazing view of Angel Island. You can only get to Angel Island by ferry boat, but I hear it’s worth the 10 minute ride. 360 degree views of the city, a bar to grab a drink, and 3-4 hiking trails sounds like something I’m interested in. I usually don’t like going places that might be crowed, but Angel Island could be an acceptation to the rule. http://angelisland.org/

Larkspur Flower and Food Festival
On Sunday May 26, 2013 from 11am-6pm, Larkspur is holding its 24th Annual Flower and Food Festival. It features the a Salsa Tasting Competition, gourmet and specialty food venders, flower-related arts and crafts to buy, and dancing to local Marin Bands. I defiantly planning on attend this! I love fairs, and Larkspur is just 10 minutes from my house. http://www.teamproevent.com/events/larkspur.html

Caledonia Street Festival
On Sunday May 26, 2013 from 11am-6pm, Sausalito is holding the Caledonia Street Festival. It is said to draw hundred of people to dance, eat, drink, mingle, shop, and groove. There will be arts and craft booths, live music, entertainment, and street performers. This is a local Sausalito Street festival that I also plan on attending. http://www.ci.sausalito.ca.us/Index.aspx?page=921

I found some really cool stuff to do this weekend. I’m thinking Miniature Golf, GoKart racing, or Movies Saturday, on Sunday we can go Festival hopping. I worked out some plans for this long weekend, I’m still not sure what we should do on Monday, but I’m sure I’ll think of something fun.

Today is Fashion day!!! 

 I love today, because I love fashion. I’ve been wearing a lot of summer dresses, and a lot of short flowy dress to keep it simple, sexy, and to show off my legs. Here are a few of my favorite summer dresses this week.

Realizing that I’m 30 is easy; trying to dress appropriate for my age is my issue. I’m trying to wear longer skirts, and looser shirts, but sometimes I want to show all off of my hard work. I have a few long maxi dresses that I enjoy slipping on, but I look better in cute short sexy numbers.  

Lets talk Cellulite.

The wiki defination of Cellulite is:
 (also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, orange peel syndrome and cottage cheese skin) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region (specifically the buttocks), lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubertal females and rarely in males.

My defination of Cellulite is: hell on earth.

I have had cellulite for as long as I can remember. I nicked name my Mom Walnut booty when we were growing up, because she had cellulite all over her butt, and it looked like a walnut. Be careful who and what you make fun of, for the last 10 years my butt looks like a Walnut. 

There are millions of products that claim to reduce Cellulite, but I’m not someone who buys into that kind of thing. I feel like you have to tackle things from the inside out, and sweat sweat sweat. It is a readily know fact the flax seed can help reduce cellulite, but flax seeds isn’t a snack that I constantly enjoy. When I switch over to consuming oatmeal every morning, about 2 months ago, I found oatmeal with flaxseeds and decided to try it out. I must admit my cellulite has been fading. I just checked out my ass and it doesn’t look like a walnut as much as it used it. It might be the 100’s of squats that I am complete, or my Kettle bell routine that kicks my butt, but whatever it is, I’m happy to say I’m looking better and better everyday. Thanks Flaxseeds.

So that’s it. As soon as I put the finishing touches on this posting, I’m heading to a park in Sausalito to exercise. I wanted to go to the Marina Green today, “The Marina Green in San Francisco, California, is a 74-acre (300,000 m2) expanse of grass between Fort Mason and the Presidio. It is adjacent to San Francisco Bay, and this location provides good views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, Alcatraz Island, and parts of Marin County.”  But I have a lot of jumping and timed exercises today, and I don’t think it’s conducive to the preppie, sexy, perfect Marina Green people, so off to Sausalito Park.

After the heavy lifting I plan on completing the Marin Headlands hike today. Its about 4-5 mile hike, pretty much all up hill, it will be a great cardio challenge, and a nice chance to take in the sights and sounds of the bay.

I’ll post pictures of my fun filled weekend on Monday.

We went to Curry Up Now yesterday, my boyfriend got the tacos and I got my favorite thali platter. I’ll post the picture so you guys can eat with your eyes. It’s my favorite way to eat, no calories consumed.

Hearts my friends!!!
Enjoy your long weekend!!!

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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