
String Art Valentines Day present

Hi Friends,
I'm pulling an all-nighter! I have a lot of work to get done and sometimes I can't work until the house is quiet and everyone is asleep.
I've locked myself in our spare bedroom while working on a Valentine's Day present for the boyfriend. I purchased a piece of thick siding from my local hardware store. The siding only came in one size so I brought a saw and successfully cut my board into a 2x3 rectangle/square shape. Next I have to hammer some nails in the shape of a heart then spend the rest of the night watching Downton Abbey and looping red thread throughout the nails. I think he's going to love this present, especially since I made it big enough to hang on the wall.
Processed with Moldiv  Processed with Moldiv
Processed with Moldiv  Processed with Moldiv
Processed with Moldiv  Processed with Moldiv
Processed with Moldiv  Processed with Moldiv
I'm still trying to figure out what we are doing for the big day. I left it up to Tony to plan this years festivities but I don't think going out to dinner is the smartest move. I have a few dietary restrictions and most restaurants will only be serving a pre-fixed menu. Those just don't work for us since I don't eat meat and usually opt for seafood or all veggies. Maybe we should stay in. We enjoy cooking together and have a nice rhythm in the kitchen. What do you guys think I should do?
What are you doing for Valentines day?
Do you pass out Valentine's day cards at your job/school?
Peace & Love,

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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