
It's Friday!

Hi Friends,
It's Friday, and sadly the deer are gone. I didn't feel like going to the gym this morning but I still needed to sweat. I've tried jumping rope for cardio a few times in my life but it never stuck. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard, what better time to try again. First I checked out Comcast Exercise TV, I used this FREE service years ago to lose majority of my weight. They featured 100s of Pilates, yoga, boxing, abdominal, and full body workouts. I figured I would find a fun Pilates video to tackle after my jump roping session. Imagine my surprise when I discovered Exercise TV is no longer free :(. #iheartfreeexercisetv #itshouldbefree #boocomcast
Oh well, back to my jump rope. I turned Pandora to a workout station and proceed to jump my little heart out. At first it was pretty boring and I kept having to start over, but after 5 minutes I got the hang of it. I even threw in some side to side hops, one-legged hops, and in-out hops. My mistake count never when down, there has to be some trick to not tripping over the rope or maybe my jump rope is too small. Whatever it is I'm going to find out since I freakin loved the workout. I wasn't panting but my heart rate was elevated and I worked up a nice sweat.
I wanted to jump rope for 30 minutes but I was done in 20, which I deemed an accomplishment. Next was my V-day Quick Fix workout which was actually fun. I'm not sure if I was happy because I was outside or if it was the music but this girl was sweating and begging for more. I did an extra set of each exercise to make sure I was really pushing myself. I felt very satisfied with my workout. Why don't I exercise outside everyday?
Jumping rope burns 10 calories a minute!!!! 10 calories a minute!!! My 20 minute session burned upwards of 200 calories, now that's a lot of bang for your buck + I can tell my lungs and endurance were challenged... me likeie! #jumproppingismynewcardio
I spent the rest of my day cleaning the house for the cleaners. Have you ever done that? We hired cleaners to clean our house, but before I let them in I like to do laundry and put everything in its proper place, that way I really come home to a fully cleaned house. This service is a little expensive but I think they will be worth it. I'm pretty thrifty so I might pull out a white glove and make them line up and wait for me to inspect their work. LOL I would never do that #iwouldtottalydothat
So that's it for me today. I had a very productive week and my new Personal Training Certification books arrived. I'll be studying for my re-certification for the next few weeks. I'm excited about re-learning all the technical stuff and seeing whats been up-dated, changed or discontinue.
The boyfriend and I are having dinner in the city tonight. I had a lot of V-day gift ideas but and didn't get to half of them. I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. I'm thinking about doing one more craft just because I want to, that and the fact that I purchased a heart paper-cutter and I'm dying to use it.
I hope you all have a slammin Valentines Day.
Processed with Moldiv
Peace & Love,

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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