
Memorial Day Crafts

Do you know what Monday is??? Memorial Day Baby! Most of you guys have a 3 day weekend. 

There will be BBQs, picnics, hanging out with friends, and family gatherings. Holidays give me an excuse to create some cool crafts. Today I'm sharing a textured wreath and a 3-D star banner. Both of these crafts are kid friendly and pretty simple to create. Instead of bringing the cupcakes to the party, a bring handmade wreath and the cup cakes. lol

Have fun guys!!!

Memorial Day Rocket Wreath

Foam Wreath
Ribbon to wrap around foam
Hot glue and glue gun
6-8 packs red hot candy depending on the size of you wreath
coordinating ribbons
Dimensional magic spray polyurethane or resin to seal candy

Wrap wide ribbon around the wreath from and secure it with hot glue

Hot glue the red hot candies on the wreath start on front of wreath then continue to inside...

brush or spray on Dimensional Magic over top
** only brush once because some of the sugar from the candies might come off when wet

Tie red white and blue ribbon to wreath.

Hang and enjoy!

I had a dream about this project. I wanted a fun door hanger that screamed HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!! I wanted it to have texture and a few surprise elements. Tadaaa! I loved putting this project together. It took about an hour, which was a little longer then I thought it would take, to glue on the red hots. Even though I don't have any kids, I think this project is great to do with kids. They can snack on the red hots and help with sticking them to the wreath. Try this craft, it's fun, and impressive. 

3-D Paper Star Banner

Red - White - Blue card stock
Hot Glue
Hole Punch
Medium to large star cutter optional

I purchased a star cutter from Michael's. It was $25.00, I had a 40% off coupon so I paid about $15 for it. I'm sure I'll use it in other projects. Go to Michael's.com and sign up for free coupons. It's defiantly worth the junk mail. ;)

If you don't want to spend 15 bucks on a star cutter, draw a star, try to get it as perfect as possible, trace and cut out 5 starts 

Cut out 5 stars

Fold Stars in half

Hot glue corners of the 5 stars creating a 3-D paper star

Create 10-15 more 3-D paper stars 
this is why I opted to buy the star cutter

Punch holes at the top of each star
Sting stars together leaving about 1-2 inch space between each star

This was EASY, lots of fun, and kid friendly. The stars are simple to make once you get the hang of it, and the banner looks pretty sick when your done. 

Enjoy the crafts friends!!! 


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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