
Challenge Tuesday

Hi Friends,

I took the day off yesterday, hopefully everyone had a wonderful 3 day weekend. There were a few festivals around the Bay Area that I attended, but I didn't do anything crazy. 

Lets get to our challenges!

Fitness Challenge

I challenge you to complete at least 3 sets of Sun Salutations everyday for the rest of the week

Challenge Synopsis
  • Complete the 12 poses of Sun Salutation aka Surya Namaskar for the next 6-7 days
  • It's best to complete the sequence in the morning to receive all of the benefits
  • Focus on form rather than speed
  • Complete each stretch at a slow, meditative, steady pace **NO RUSHING!
Why Why Why
  • Completing 3 sets of Sun Salutations in the morning is a great way to wake your mind, body, and spirit
  • Practicing yoga creates healing energy 
  • Sun Salutations is a great total body workout that stretches, flexes, and tones
  • Sun Salutation helps relax the mind, which leads leads to meditation
  • Exercise mat
  • Water
  • Open mind and heart

Complete sequence in order at least 3 times
preferably in the morning

Prayer Pose

Stand with feet on edge of mat
Keep feet together
Expand chest and relax shoulders
BREATH IN lift both arms up from sides as you EXHALE bring your palms together in front of your chest in prayer position
Raised Arm Pose

BREATH IN lift arm up and back 
Keep biceps close to ears
slightly push pelvis forward
Reach up with fingers rather than trying to bend backwards

Hand to Feet Pose
Hasta Padasana

BREATH OUT bend forward, keep spine erect as you EXHALE completely
Bring hands down to floor, besides feet

Equestrian Pose 
Ashwa Sanchalanasana

BREATH IN push your right leg back as far back as possible
Bring the right knee to floor and look up

Stick Pose

BREATH IN take left leg back and bring the whole body in a straight line
**Keep arms perpendicular to the floor

Salute with 8 Parts or Points
Ashtanga Namaskara

Gently bring knees down to floor and EXHALE
Take hips back, slightly slide forward, rest chin close to floor, raise your butt a little
2 hands - 2 feet - 2 knees - 2 chest - 1 chin

Cobra Pose

Slide forward and raise chest up into cobra pose
Keep elbows bent, shoulders aways from ears, look up

Mountain Pose

BREATH OUT lift hips and butt up 
Chest downward in an inverted 'V' posture
Try to keep heels on the ground

Equestrian Pose 
Ashwa Sanchalanasana

BREATH IN push your right leg back as far back as possible
Bring the right knee to floor and look up

Hand to Feet Pose
Hasta Padasana

BREATH OUT bend forward, keep spine erect as you EXHALE completely
Bring hands down to floor, besides feet

Raised Arm Pose

BREATH IN lift arm up and back 
Keep biceps close to ears
slightly push pelvis forward
Reach up with fingers rather than trying to bend backwards


EXHALE straighten out body, bring arms down, relax in this position

My Take
I've tried to make Sun Salutations a regular morning routine for a few years. I always enjoy completing the sequence in the morning, I actually love the way it makes me feel, but somehow, no matter how great my body feels afterwards I slowly stop doing it. This time I'm really going to try to stick with it. Stretching in the morning is a great way to wake up your body and "mentally" check in with yourself to prepare for the busy day ahead. I'm taking this challenge with all of you. Lets try to make Sun Salutations a regular everyday routine. At least for the next 6-7 days :)

Nutrition Challenge

I challenge you to increase your fruit intake
Try to eat at least 5 servings a day for the next 6 days

Challenge Synopsis
  • Add more fruit to your diet
Why Why Why 
  • Fruit is a great source of vitamins and minerals
  • Fruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber, that helps with constipation and other digestion issues
  • Fruit can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some cancers
  • Fruit
  • An Open-mind
  • Will power and strength
  • Add more fruit to your diet
  • Hide fruit in salads, smoothies, and healthy snacks
My Take
I'm on a quest to drop a couple of pounds. It seems like I'm always on this particular quest around this time of the year. Whenever I'm trying to slim down I make sure to eat my 5 servings of fruits. Not only are they good for me, but eating 5 servings will help keep me full. Lately I've been snaking on apples, grapes, bananas, pears, and mangos. This week we are all going to increase our fruit intake. 

Self Improvement Challenge
I challenge you to fly a kite one day this week
Yep, I said fly a kite!

Challenge Synopsis
  • Fly a kite
Why Why Why
  • Kite flying regenerates energy
  • Kite flying reduces stress and helps relive everyday issues that come up in life
  • Kite flying helps develop creative thinking and can improve concentration
  • Kite flying is cheap and environmentally friendly
  • Kite flying is a light cardio workout, and a good exercise for the eyes
  • A Kite
  • You 
  • A friend (optional)
  • A park with no power-lines around
  • Purchase or make a kite
  • Go out and fly it
My Take
Growing up we had regularly scheduled kite flying nights. I believe they were held on Tuesday nights, after school and work, the entire family piled in the car headed to our local park. It was so much fun getting the kites up in the air and keeping them there. It brought us closer together as a family and we weren't in front of the TV. It was an excellent time to decompress, enjoy, and appreciate one another. I want all of you  to experience kite flying. Even if it sounds stupid to you just try it. You can fly a kite with family, friends, or by yourself. This week I'm going to make a kite, drag my non-kite flying boyfriend out to the Marina Green in San Francisco, and we are going to fly a kite. 

That's all today folks!


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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