
USA Today and NY Times Headlines, & DIY Camo Nails


Hi Friends!

Happy Friday, we made it. 

We are tackling Headlines today, I found some thought provoking articles that I know you will enjoy

Kids Stuff Down More 
Fruits & Veggies at Lunch 

New Standards say students must take at least one fruit or vegetable with there lunch

Vegetables servings are bigger, there is variety then ever before, lunches now have a limit on calories, the request for whole grain is higher than ever

Research Reports say students are improving diets "Many schools are working really hard to improve the nutritional quality of their offerings and to improve the kids appeal - Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at The Center for Science in the Public Interest

Fruit and vegetables consumption improved in schools after rules changes 

Authors Share Weight Loss Advice
Same Old - Same Old
Nanci Hellmich - USA Today - January 5, 2014

A studies proved that about 1/2 of Americans would like to loose weight

USA Today asked authors from 2 new diet and health books: Elisa Zied author of Younger Next Week
David Ziczenko author of Eat it to Beat it 
suggested these advice tips

Monitor Food intake

Look for Positive way to Cope with Stress

Sit Down when you eat

Sit Less

Plan you exercises
 and many many more

Soon... No Condoms Needed
Marilyn Marchione - USA Today - March 6, 2014

The Drug has only been tested on Monkeys and has completely protected them from infections in two studies - Reported at on AIDs Conference on Tuesday

"If the drug works and proves to be safe, it would allow for HIV to be prevented with periodic injections, about every 3 months"

All monkeys in 2 studies were protected from infection

Gluten Free...Yes Please
Stephanie Strom - NY Times - Feb 17, 2014

Mayo Clinic survey in 2012 concluded that only 1.8 million Americans have celiac disease, the autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack the small intestine when gluten is ingested and can lead to other debilitating medical problems if not diagnosed

Girl Scouts recently introduced a gluten free chocolate chip shortbread cookie, vodka companies are battling over cheating Gluten Free version of there products, Trader Joe is marketing Gluten Free products

Gluten Free households are reported purchases for Gluten Free Food products hit 11% last year, up fro 5% in 2010

Gluten Free products sales estimates more than 15 billion in annual sales, up for 10.5 million last year

About 30% of the public says it would like to cut back on the amount of gluten its eating

18 million people or about 6% of the population has the gluten sensitivity

People with Celiac Disease are not the majority of consumers who are driving this market

DIY Camouflage Print Nails 

Start with a nude base color

Use end of nail polish brush or q-tip to dot on green color polish creating random blob shapes on nails

Take a brown toned polish and use the same dotting technique to create blobs that fill some of the gaps and overlap onto the green 

Use a Black polish to fill more gaps and overlap the other colors used

Float a layer of fast drying top coat over the top to smooth out the bumps and give it a professional looking finish

I wanted to do something a little different with my nails this week. Its not perfect, but its defiantly eye catching. 

Have a lovely Friday Friends


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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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