
Headline Fridays and DIY Nails

I'm starting to like Headline Friday
 Check out this weeks headlines

Your Brain on Knitting 
by Jacque Wilson - CNN Health - March 25, 2014

A woman named Sarah Huertas was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and extreme anxiety so her husband gave her knitting needles

Crafting can help those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

It can also ease stress, increase happiness, and protect the brain from damage caused by aging

Our bodies are in a constant state of stress because our brain can't tell the difference between an up coming meeting with the boss and an upcoming bear attack. Schindler says, the repetitive motions of knitting, for example, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which quiets the "fight or flight" respond

There's survey evidence to support crafting dopamine effect. in one study of over 3,500 knitters, 81% reported feeling happy after  knitting

Weekend Weight Gain Might Be OK...
by Jacque Wilson - CNN Health - February 6, 2014

New study suggest small weight gains on the weekends are normal and as long as you can compensate during the week, overindulging might even assist in long term weight loss

Long term habits may make more of a difference than short-term splurges

Flexible eating patterns may help you sustain overall healthy eating habits over time

Cannabis treatments help ease MS symptoms
by Jacque Wilson - CNN Health - February 6, 2014

New study suggest small weight gains on the weekends are normal and as long as you can compensate during the week, overindulging might even assist in long term weight loss

Long term habits may make more of a difference than short-term splurges

Flexible eating patterns may help you sustain overall healthy eating habits over time

Marijuana Pills and Spray ease MS Symptoms

by Saundra Young - CNN Health - March 24, 2014

Medical marijuana maybe the most effective complementary or alternative medicine to provide relief of symptoms caused by MS - according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

"This is the first-ever review, evidence- based recommendation, on the treatment of MS with cannabis therapies"

Cannabis therapy helps reduce specific symptoms and prevent relapse or further disability

More research is needed 

DIY Cute Dot Designs

I like putting dots all over my nails, but sometimes it can look immature and a little childish. I'm at an event and I need to be taken seriously.

 This week I used my dotter tool and my favorite football teams colors, red and gold. This manicure is slick, hip, while not looking like a teenager. 

Paint 8 of your nails in a light pink. The color I used it called Sugar coat.

Pick a nail on each hand to be a little different and paint each one a different color

Let nails dry,
 using your dotter place 2 dots matching the 2 colors you painted your "fun" nails with, place dots on left side of nail on left hand and on right side of day on the other hand

Have fun with your dots. Get creative
Paint with high quality quick drying top coat

I tried this dot design last week, it was super cute


I'm in Tahoe for the weekend. Pictures will be posted on Monday.
Blessings Friends,
Ms Mary

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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