Hi friends

I had a glarous time in South Lake Tahoe. We got about 5 inches of snow, it felt like a movie. I will defiantly be back next year to take some snowboarding lessons. I had a blast.

This afternoon there was an explosion so powerful it blew out all of the windows in a few of the surrounding houses. Luckily our house was fine, other than a few pictures that fell off the walls. Lightening struck a transponder and fried power lines effecting 10 houses in my neighborhood. 

You guessed it, I have NO power. I was planing on pulling an all-nighter tonight, working on my website, doing some online marketing, and pre-writing my weekly blog postings, but to no avail. 

PG&E promptly informed me that the power will be out for at least 5-6 hours. They have to replace the power lines in the ground to get us back up and running. 

All that to say sorry there are  no fun whole wheat recipes, fitness facts, or important health tips today.  The boyfriend and I are staying in San Francisco tonight. 

I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow,
Blessings Friends 

Fitness Challenge

I challenge you to complete my Summer Arms II workout 5 days this week

Challenge Synopsis

  • Complete my Summer Arm II workout 5 days this week
  • Always focus on form rather than speed
  • Complete each exercise at a steady pace
  • Rest when you need it and always go before your ready
Why Why Why
  • It's officially spring and it's time for strapless dresses and tank tops
  • I designed this workout to tone, lift and shape, your arms quick fast and in a hurry
  • Because you want to improve your body and I'm here to help
  • Water 
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Exercise Mat or Big Towel
  • Light Dumbbells 3-5-8 pounds depending on your strength 

Summer Arms Workout II
*complete exercise routine at your own risk
* for modified versions of these exercises email me
* do not use any weight over 10 pounds for these exercises unless you are advanced. We are toning not bulking up 

Arm Circles 
30 seconds each side
Complete 3 sets

Stretches shoulders and traps
  • Stand up and extend arms straight out by sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor and perpendicular to torso
  • Slowly start making circles with each arm out reached
  • Continue the circular motion for 30 seconds, then reverse the movement in the opposite direction
Advanced Inchworms 
10-12 reps 
Complete 3 sets

Targets entire body
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, place hands on ground in front of your toes 
  • Knees can be slightly bent, slowly walk your hands out away from your body until you reach plank position
  • Once you are in plank position complete one push up
  •  Slowly walk your hands back towards your feet and stand 
  • Complete one squat
  • That is one rep
Triceps Push Backs 
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets Triceps 
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells in each hand arms straight down at sides palms facing back
  • Lift arms straight back about 2 feet behind you
  • Return to dies
  • That's one rep
Crab Walk 
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets abs, chest, shoulders, arms
  • Position your arms and legs underneath your body while pointing your stomach up, like a table top. 
  • Walk right hand and foot a few inches out to the right thigh, follow by your left hand and feet
  • Continue to do this 2 times to the right and then walk them back
Push Ups 
10-15 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets entire body, mostly upper body, shoulders, core, and endurance

Side Plank Reach 
10-12 reps - each side
Complete 3 sets

Targets obliques, abs, butt, shoulder, lower back
  • Lie down with your left side on an exercise mat 
  • Place your feet together on top of each other, next prop yourself up on your hand. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders 
  • Raise your right arm up then dive it down reaching under your right side twist so that your chest becomes parallel to floor, pause and then twist back to starting position. 
  • That is one rep
Half Moon Rotation 
15-20 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets shoulders, biceps, triceps
  • Stand with feet hip width apart, arms straight out to side at shoulder height fingers together and palms down
  • Rotate thumbs back until palms face up
  • Rotate thumbs forward Keeping arms lifted during rep
Plank Up Downs 
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets arms, chest, shoulders, core, endurance
  • Assume push up position, make sure body is tight and core is contracted, 
  • Lower yourself onto your elbows raise the right side of your body by pressing your right hand against the floor and straighten your arm. 
  • Raise left side of body in same manner, lower yourself back to your elbows, keep your body tight and core contracted through the entire exercise
Chest Press Leg Drop  
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets total body
  • Place light dumbbells in hands lying face up with leg extended straight up over hips (knees can be bent if needed) and arms open to sides of shoulders (like goal post) elbows a few inches off the floor. 
  • Lower legs to a 45 degree angle ( avoid arching your lower back) as arms extend straight over chest, return to start that is one rep.
High V  
15-20 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets shoulder, triceps
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended overhead in a V, palms facing out to sides
  • Slowly bend elbows to hips, palms facing body
  • Press back up into a V
  • That's one rep
Overhead Bend
15-20 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets Shoulders, Triceps, Core
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • Extend right arm overhead and to left while keeping your shoulder down, hinge at waist
  • Lower Elbow to hip 
  • Alternate hands 

My Take
I've been working hard on getting my arms back to where they used to be and I'm finally starting to see some results. It took about 4-6 and I'm still working hard on these guns. This exercise routine was designed to tone, lift, and shape your arms. To get real results continue this workout for 4-6 weeks. I promise it works.

Nutrition Challenge

Increase your daily whole grain intake 

Challenge Synopsis

  • Make it a point to consume at least one serving of whole grains a day
  • I will post a few whole grain recipes tomorrow 
Why Why Why
  • Eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases
  • Some whole grain foods are healthier than others
  • Processed grains should be eaten less often
  • Benefits of eating whole grains daily  
    • Stroke risk reduced by 30-36%
    • Type 2 diabetes risk reduced by 21-30%
    • Heart disease risk reduced by 25-28%
    • Better weight maintenance
    • Reduce of asthma
    • Healthier arteries
    • Reduction of inflammatory disease risk
    • Lower risk of certain cancers
    • Healthier blood pressure levels
    • Less gum disease and tooth loss
  • Willpower and Disciple
  • Stock up on farro, brown rice, buckwheat, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, quinoa
  • Try to eat at least one serving of whole grains a day
  • Replace your side dishes at dinner with whole grains
  • Make a healthy whole grain based salad to eat for lunch this week
My Take
All of my challenges are about slowly swapping your bad eating habits with good ones. I lost over 100 pounds by slowly challenging myself to change my eating habits. Replacing the bad foods I loved with foods that actually fueled my mind, body, and soul. I kept challenging myself and changing my diet until I actually starting enjoying the healthy food, and my good eating habits finally stuck. By participating in my weekly challenges you are setting yourself up for success. The success you deserve.

Self Help Challenge
I challenge you to 
Quit a bad habit this week 

Challenge Synopsis

  • Identify some bad habits you want to, and are willing, to change
  • Make a pledge to yourself to quit a bad habit
  • Make the habit hard but obtainable  
Why Why Why
  • Bad habits are meant to be broken
  • To improve yourself 
  • Because habits can hold you back from reaching and exceeding your true potential 
  • Any habit change opens up new possibilities
  • Paper or journal 
  • Your favorite writing utensil
  • A little imagination 
  • Willingness to get out of your comfort zone to truly change yourself 
  • Honesty, an open mind, and a good sense of humor
  • A buddy to keep you honest (optional but recommended) 
  • Put a piece of paper in front of you and write down "good things to move forward to" and compile a list
  • Imagine the advantages of your habit change
  • On the same piece of paper write down " Bad things to move away from" 
  • This list will help you narrow down bad habits you might be willing to ditch
  • Here are some common bad habits  
    • Snacking non-stop even when you are not hungry
    • Spending too much time on the couch watching TV
    • Overspending
    • Eating fast food daily
    • Behavior that leaves you angry, worried, or stressed behavior that leaves you angry all the time
    • Skipping meals 
    • Drinking too much alcohol 
    • Smoking cigarettes
    • Overusing pain killers and sedatives
My Take
Everyday I work on improving myself, it's trait that I pride myself on. I want all of you to feel as accomplished as I do. Take the challenge and get yourself out of that dreaded comfort zone

That's all today folks
Blessings Friends,
Ms Mary 

I'm starting to like Headline Friday
 Check out this weeks headlines

Your Brain on Knitting 
by Jacque Wilson - CNN Health - March 25, 2014

A woman named Sarah Huertas was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and extreme anxiety so her husband gave her knitting needles

Crafting can help those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

It can also ease stress, increase happiness, and protect the brain from damage caused by aging

Our bodies are in a constant state of stress because our brain can't tell the difference between an up coming meeting with the boss and an upcoming bear attack. Schindler says, the repetitive motions of knitting, for example, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which quiets the "fight or flight" respond

There's survey evidence to support crafting dopamine effect. in one study of over 3,500 knitters, 81% reported feeling happy after  knitting

Weekend Weight Gain Might Be OK...
by Jacque Wilson - CNN Health - February 6, 2014

New study suggest small weight gains on the weekends are normal and as long as you can compensate during the week, overindulging might even assist in long term weight loss

Long term habits may make more of a difference than short-term splurges

Flexible eating patterns may help you sustain overall healthy eating habits over time

Cannabis treatments help ease MS symptoms
by Jacque Wilson - CNN Health - February 6, 2014

New study suggest small weight gains on the weekends are normal and as long as you can compensate during the week, overindulging might even assist in long term weight loss

Long term habits may make more of a difference than short-term splurges

Flexible eating patterns may help you sustain overall healthy eating habits over time

Marijuana Pills and Spray ease MS Symptoms

by Saundra Young - CNN Health - March 24, 2014

Medical marijuana maybe the most effective complementary or alternative medicine to provide relief of symptoms caused by MS - according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

"This is the first-ever review, evidence- based recommendation, on the treatment of MS with cannabis therapies"

Cannabis therapy helps reduce specific symptoms and prevent relapse or further disability

More research is needed 

DIY Cute Dot Designs

I like putting dots all over my nails, but sometimes it can look immature and a little childish. I'm at an event and I need to be taken seriously.

 This week I used my dotter tool and my favorite football teams colors, red and gold. This manicure is slick, hip, while not looking like a teenager. 

Paint 8 of your nails in a light pink. The color I used it called Sugar coat.

Pick a nail on each hand to be a little different and paint each one a different color

Let nails dry,
 using your dotter place 2 dots matching the 2 colors you painted your "fun" nails with, place dots on left side of nail on left hand and on right side of day on the other hand

Have fun with your dots. Get creative
Paint with high quality quick drying top coat

I tried this dot design last week, it was super cute


I'm in Tahoe for the weekend. Pictures will be posted on Monday.
Blessings Friends,
Ms Mary

I plan on being successful in life, I work toward my success everyday, but it's not as easy as I want it to be. There are a lot of late nights, early mornings, uncertainty, and just plain ole' fear. To keep my spirits high I looked up traits of the successful, the unsuccessful, and tips to get me where I want to go. 

Traits of Winners

They know when to stay and when to leave
They do more than what's asked of them
They are willing to fail in order to eventually succeed
They know that they make their own luck
They set real goals that they can accomplish
They take accountability for themselves and their accounts
They know who they are and their place in the world
They create instead of just consuming
They have a sense of gratitude
They exude joy and embrace change 
They are more excited about the journey than the destination 
They ask the right questions to people who can deliver the right answers
They are life-long learns who push themselves out of their comfort zones

Traits of Losers

They hold a grudges
They blame others for their failures
They think they know it all
They don't know what they want to be
They fear change
They Watch TV everyday
They take all the credit of their victories
They have a sense of entitlement
They take and do not give
They look for hundreds of reasons to justify their unsuccessful life
They drift through life

Now that we know the traits of the successful and the unsuccessful, how do we take control of our own fate? 

Everyone wants to be successful in life, these tips are supposed to get us moving in the correct direction

Ways to Win 

Think Big
Find a way to love and do it
Learn how to balance life
Don't be afraid of failure
Have an unwavering resolution to succeed
Be a person of action
Avoid conflicts
Don't be afraid of introducing new ideas
Believe in your capacity to succeed
Always maintain a positive mental attitude
Don't let discouragement stop you from pressing on
Be hard working
Be brave enough to follow you intuition 

That was fun!
Enjoy your day

Women speak about 20,000 words a day - That's 13,000 more than the average man

The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes

The smell of newborn babies excites women in the same way an addict craving for drugs enjoy his fix

40% of births in the US come from unmarried women

Women spend nearly 1 year of their lives deciding what to wear

Women cry on average between 30 and 64 times a year, while men cry between 6 and 7 times

4% of women in the US are pregnant right now

Women spend over 4 years (in total) of their lives menstruating


The guy who kisses his wife goodbye before work averages a higher income than the guy who doesn't 

Fat men are 42% less likely to commit suicide

Carrots are good for male fertility

Men go through hormonal changes during their partner's pregnancy

Mens brains are 10% larger than women's brain, but that doesn't make them smarter

75% of men wash their hands after using a public restroom, 90% of women do

Husbands are the happiest if they did not participate in decisions regarding household matters - Husbands who had opinions about these issues were more likely to be involved in spousal arguments


The average married couple has sex 68.5 times a year, which is slightly more than once a week

80% of all marriages in history were between second cousins or closer

The word bride comes from an old proton-germanic word meaning 

75% of people who marry partners from an affair eventually divorce

Einstein, Darwin, Allan Poe, and  Saddam Hussein all married their first cousins

Most married couples are happiest in their 3rd year of marriage

There are 100 divorces every hour in the US

Have a great day!



My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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