Hi Friends!

It's Challenge Monday folks! Lets get going guys!

Fitness Challenge

I challenge you to add some of my ramped up Jumping Jacks into your regular workout routine

Challenge Synopsis

  • Ramp up those plain jumping jacks with a few different variations I'm going to share with all of you 
  • Jumping Jacks is a great basic cardio exercise that everyone knows how to do
Why Why Why
  • Jumping jacks increase fast twitch muscle fibers
  • Jumping jacks target calfs, glutes, deltoids, and lats
  • Jumping jacks doesn't build muscle it makes muscles more powerful
  • Jumping jacks are one of the best high intensity exercise that you can add to your exercise routine
  • Completing these different jumping jack variations, it will keep your workout fun but challenging 
  • Water
  • Willpower
  • A strong body & mind
  • A little extra time

Complete 25 
Ramped Up 
Jumping jacks 
4 times a day
Everyday this week

How to do a basic Jumping Jack
  • Stand straight up with feet together and arms at your sides
  • Slightly bend your knees and propel yourself a few inches into the air
  • While in air, bring legs out the side about shoulder width apart
  • As you move your legs outwards, raise arms up over your heads
  • Your feet should be shoulder width or wider as your hands meet close to your ears
  • Quickly jump back to step and repeat

Push Jacks

  • Stand straight up with feet together and arms at your sides
  • Slightly bend your knees and propel yourself a few inches into the air
  • While in air, bring legs out the side about shoulder width apart
  • As you move your legs outwards, push your hands out in front of you
  • Your feet should be shoulder width or wider as your hands meet about your heads
  • Quickly jump back to step and repeat

Squat Jacks 

  • Stand straight up with feet together and arms at your sides
  • Slightly bend your knees and propel yourself a few inches into the air
  • While in air, bring legs out the side about shoulder width apart
  • As you move your legs outwards, raise arms up over your heads
  • Your feet should be shoulder width or wider as your hands meet about your heads
  • Quickly jump back landing in a deep squat
  • These should be completed slowing

Ankle Jacks
  • Bend over touching your ankles 
  • Slightly bend your knees and propel yourself a few inches into the air, while keeping your body low
  • While in air, bring legs out the side about shoulder width apart
  • As you move your legs outwards, raise arms up over your heads
  • Your feet should be shoulder width or wider as your hands meet about your heads
  • Quickly jump back landing in a deep squat
  • These should be completed slowing

Star Jacks 

  • Bend over touching your ankles 
  • Slightly bend your knees and propel yourself a few inches into the air, while keeping your body low
  • While in air, bring legs out the side about shoulder width apart
  • As you move your legs outwards, raise arms up over your heads
  • Your feet should be shoulder width or wider as your hands meet about your heads
  • Quickly jump back landing in a deep squat
  • These should be completed slowing

My Take
I do my best to keep my workouts fun, interesting, and creative. Last week I wanted to boost up my jumping jacks game. Jumping jacks is an exercise that almost everyone can do, they do them regularly on the Biggest Loser. I had a challenging time completing sets of ankle jacks, star jacks, squat jacks and didn't want to keep this much fun to myself. I don't think you will be getting bored with jumping jacks any time soon

Nutrition Challenge

I challenge you to use cauliflower in creative 
ways this week

Challenge Synopsis
  • Use cauliflower in a creative ways next week
  • Replace your rice, pasta, potatoes, pizza crusts with cauliflower
Why Why Why 
  • Cauliflower has as much nutritional value as kale, broccoli, and cabbage
  • Cauliflower has natural phytonutrients, antioxidants, and gives your system a powerful jump start
  • The flavor and texture of cauliflower is unique and versatile
  • Cauliflower is a great substitute for low carb, gluten free, and grain free recipes
  • Cauliflower contains vitamin C, foliate, manganese, antecedents, phytonutrients, lowers the risk of oxidative stress in cells, lowers the risk factors of cancer, activates detoxification enzymes, anti-inflammatory effects, digestive and cardiovascular support
  • Cauliflower
  • A little imagination
  • Creative cauliflower recipes
  • Get creative and use this versatile ingredients to create healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Check out cauliflower recipes here
  • I will be posting fun cauliflower recipes on the blog this week like cauliflower pancakes, mashed cauliflower, cauliflower pizza, cauliflower popcorn, cauliflower cookies
My Take
I'm about 2 weeks away from my Costa Rica trip and I'm searching for any way to cut more calories out of my diet. 2 weeks ago I ate salad every night for dinner it was yummy but I can't live off of salad alone. Last weekend got creative with cauliflower. It was so tasty my creations inspired this weeks nutrition challenge. Stay tuned for cauliflower fried rice, cauliflower pancakes, and cauliflower cookies.  

Self-Improvement Challenge

I challenge you to do 1 drawing a day

I created this!!! 
It's a Mary original!

Challenge Synopsis
  • Even if you can't draw make it a point to draw something at least once a day for the next 7 days
Why Why Why
  • Drawing, no matter how well or terrible you draw, is a great way to get a break from reality
  • Drawing whatever you want give you a sense of control and relives stress
  • Drawing can help you think clearly and aid in overcoming many issues
  • By focusing on what you are drawing you to temporally forget the issues at hand
  • Art is one of the most commonly forms of communications around the world
  • There are a large variety of art therapies that have been proven to be beneficial to people 
  • Purchase a small sketch book
  • Purchase a few spare pencils, markets, pens, or whatever you like to draw with
  • Make sure to draw at least once a day
  • Enjoy creating new works of art and watch your drawing techniques improve from one day to the next
  • You're drawing doesn't have to be prefect or even good, just draw, sketch a tree, draw a few lines, do whatever you want to do 
My Take
I went to art school and I know the benefits of creating/drawing first hand. Drawing is a huge stress reliever for me, it has been for the last 15 years of my life. Whenever I need a break from the world or I am dealing with some serious issues drawing always helps me workout out these issues. 

That's all today friends, 


Hi Friends, 

We made it, it's Friday!!!

I've had a wonderful couple of days and I want to inspire all of you to get outside, enjoy some sun, and get active. Today's post provides fun things to do outside.

  • Go on a Hike
  • Go Paddle Boarding
  • Fly a Kite
  • Take a Bike ride
  • Go skating or skate boarding
  • Make a sand castle
  • Go on a nature walk
  • Tackle some stairs
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Play a fun game of 
    • basketball
    • baseball
    • volleyball
    • soccer
    • tennis
If you want to get outside but don't feel like being active this is the list for you

  • Go to a farmer's market
  • Go to a flea market
  • Work in the garden
  • Have a picnic
  • Attend a fair or festival
  • Use an old sheet to create an oversize work of art
Benefits of Being Active

  • If you are active for 7 hours a week, your risk of dying early is 40% lower than someone active for less than 30 minutes a week
  • Hiking burns up to 370 calories an hour in a 154 lb person
  • Improved cardio-respiratory fitness heart, lungs, blood vessels
  • Improved muscular fitness
  • Lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
  • Lower risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
  • Lower risk of colon and breast cancer
  • Slower loss of bone density
  • Reduce depression and better quality sleep
  • Weight control
That's all today!
Have a wonderful weekend


Hi Friends,

Yesterday was my Mother's Birthday and we had a great day together.

She arrived at my house promptly at 9:30am. The first stop was a huge gut busting breakfast, then off to Muir Woods to hike through the redwoods and marvel at the beauty of nature.

After a few hours there, we headed back to the city to grab a leisurely lunch in Sausalito. The view is always beautify in the Sauce, Sausalito is the first town over the famous Golden Gate Bridge. If you ever find yourself in the Bay Area you would doing yourself an disservice not to visit this quaint little town. 

We spent the rest of afternoon stuffing our faces and talking about our past and what the future holds for both of us. I enjoy spending time with my mother, it's almost like looking in a mirror, if I become half the woman she is I would be satisfied with my life. 

We were supposed to go to the Observatory of Flowers, but we ended up talking, reminiscing, and hangout until it was time for dinner. 

We both love crab, so we went to the best crab spot in the city, Thang Long. Each ordering and demolished 1 crab a piece. Today I made sure not to stress over my diet, her birthday was my official cheat say.  

After this loooong day together we were both pooped but the night wasn't over yet. We went back to my house for some Salted Carmel Cupcakes, a night cap, and a little singing. I sent her off with a smile around 11pm and crashed right after she left. The women wore me out. 

I made the cup cakes myself and they were scrumptious. I'm sharing the recipe but I want you all to know these are not low fat, low calorie, or gluten free. These cupcakes are the real deal and worth ever bead of sweat I'm going to have to produce to work them off tomorrow.

Chocolate Salted Carmel Cupcakes

1-3/4 cup all purpose flour
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup canola oil
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla 1 cup string coffee

For cup cakes:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees 
Line muffin tins

In a large bowl whisk together flour, brown sugar, cacao, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Make sure to break up any clumps in this dry mixture

In another bowl combine milk, oil, eggs, vanilla, whisk together to combine

Add wet mixture to dry mixture

Add coffee and stir well until blended and smooth

Divide batter among cups and make for 20-25 minutes until spongy to touch

When done tip cupcakes in tins to allow steam to escape or remove cupcakes from tin and place on a wire rack

1/2 cup butter at room temp
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups powder sugar
1-2 tbsp milk

Beat butter, brown sugar, syrup, vanilla until light and fluffy beat powdered sugar and milk

Add a little extra milk if needed to get the correct consistency

Allow frosting to chill

Spoon in pipping bag with large star tip or plastic bag cutting a small hole in one of the corners of the bag creating a makeshift frosting bag

Pipe frosting over cooled cupcakes
Don't laugh at my piping job, this was my first time icing anything, lol

Salted Carmel

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water 
1 tsp lemon juice
1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 tsp sea salt

Stir together sugar, water, lemon juice in small saucepan and place over med-high heat

When it comes to a boil stop stirring and swirl the pan often cooking until it turns a golden color. 

When it starts to change colors remove pan from heat but continue to swirl until mixture turns a deep golden color, the color of maple syrup 

Whisk in cream, it will foam up

Whisk salt and let cool to room temp

Place in sweet bottle and run bottle under hot water to make Carmel easier to spread 

Drizzle over cupcakes

Top with a pinch of sea salt

And kiss your diet goodbye!

That's it day folks!
Today is my Mother's Birthday and as much as I love all of you, I love her more.

I'll be back tomorrow 

Blessings Friends,

Hi Friends,

I am incorporating more melon into my diet this week and hopefully so are all of you.

While looking through my cookbooks searching for some creative ways to incorporate melon into basic recipes it dawned on me, I've never had a melon smoothie, I've never made a melon smoothie. It seems like melons would be a wonderful smoothie base, they are juice, flavorful, sweet, and cheap, plus they are in season. 

I put my cookbook down right then and spent the next few hours coming up with some melon smoothies to share with all of you. 

I hope you enjoy them and decided to try a few yourself. 

Let's Educate ourselves on the benefits of eating melon


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Niacin
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Healthy Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber 
  • Potassium
  • Antioxidants
  • Carotenoids
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Thiamin
  • Sodium
  • Protein
  • Fiber
Honey Dew
  • Helps maintain healthy skin, height, and weight
  • Helps prevent cramps during menstrual cycles
  • Helps prevent birth defects
  • High in "good" cholesterol
  • Fights dehydration
  • Fights against some cancers and diseases
  • Vitamin C
  • Protein
  • Sodium
  • Natural Sugar
  • Healthy Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Five
Here Come the Recipes:

None of these smoothies needed any liquid added, no almond milk or coconut water, the melon provides enough juiciness 

I used fresh ingredients for all of my smoothies, you can use frozen fruit if fresh fruit isn't available

All smoothies are vegan, grain-free, nut free, dairy free, 
gluten free

Watermelon Smoothie

2 cups cubed watermelon
5 frozen strawberries
add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth

Watermelon Apple Smoothie

2 cups seedless watermelon
1 apple
1 pear
add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth

Cantaloupe Berry Smoothie

2 cups cantaloup, peeled, seeded, cubed
1/2 cups greek yogurt
1 cup raspberries
2 tbs maple syrup
add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth

Cantaloupe Grape Smoothie

2 cups cantaloup, peeled, seeded, cubed
1 cup red seedless grapes
2 cups kale
1/4 cup coconut water
add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth

Honeydew Kiwi Smoothie

2 cups cubed honeydew
1 small apple, peeled, cored and cut up
1 kiwi peeled and cut up
2 tbs agave nectar
1 tbs lemon juice
add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth

Honeydew Mint Smoothie
2 cups honeydew cubed
2-3 fresh mint leaves
1 banana
1 tsp lime juice
1 tbsp honey
add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth
All of these smoothies are delectable it was hard to pick my favorite one. Maybe the Cantaloupe + Berry Smoothie or the Honeydew + Mint Smoothie, it's hard to make up my mind.

Which ever smoothie you choose all of them are natural energy boosters, who doesn't need an extra kick!

That's all today friends


My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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