
Slimming Turkey Day Tips

With Thanksgiving just a few days away it's time to share some realistic tips to keep you on track. There is nothing wrong with eating on Thanksgiving, even over-eating is allowed, but you can go complete off the deep end. I am making November 27th a cheat day, the goal is to eat very clean the rest of the week and let loose, like a 2 dollar whore, on Thursday. 

All the tips might not be for you, I'm hoping at least one of them will help you cut a few unneeded and unwanted calories on the bug day.

Did you know the average American consumes over 4500 calories on Thanksgiving?

Slimming Turkey Day Tips

Avoid the gravy not the mash
Gravy is pretty much liquid calories, try to go easy on the gravy 

Fill your plate with salad and vegetables first
I usually have 2nds and even 3rds on the big day, make sure to fill your plate with green stuff on your first round, your body will thank you later

Drink 2 cups of water before the festive fest
Drinking water before any meal is a great habit to adopt 

Eat until your full not until you can't move
It's easy to over-eat  stay mindful of how full you are, take breaks instead of shoveling it in fast 

Wear something body conscious, sweats make it easy to expand
Usually everybody wants to wear sweats and oversized clothes on an official fest day, but opting for skinny jeans and a body conscious sweater will remind you of your health goals 

Pick 1 favorite calorie abundant dish and enjoy it
No explanation needed

Skip what you don't want or need 
I don't eat meat so skipping turkey and ham will be simple for me. I love potatoes, I will not be skipping them

Don't let family pressure get you off track
I am the smallest in my family and whenever I eat around them I see them eyeing my plate and usually get a few comments. It used to bother me, but not anymore, I could care less about there opinion, I'm the one that has to squeeze into my size 8s

Workout before the big dinner
To me there is nothing more rewarding than exercising on big holidays, especially big holidays that require you to eat, eat and over eat. I'm going to attend a bikram yoga class first thing in the morning. I won't feel as guilty about over indulging as long as I get a good sweat in 

Workout the day after Thanksgiving 
Skip the early Black Friday shopping, hit the gym instead

Don't beat yourself up  
Even if you go buck wild don't beat yourself up. It's ok to loose yourself on Thanksgiving 

Skip the skin
I cannot and woulf not do this one, the skin is the best part of the meat to me, but 1 ounce of skin contains up to 80 calories. Good luck with this one 

Watch your portions
I'll be posting a portion cheat sheet trmw

Avoid or limit your bread intake
Bread bloats me and makes me feel full, go easy on the bread and stock up on your favorites 

Avoid pie crust 
Pie crust is full of butter, shorting, and flour, eat the pie and skip most of the crust 

That's it today folks
Peace & Love,

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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