
Snacking on Popcorn

Happy Friday!!

Can you believe this month is pretty much over! I've had a very productive week working at the library and slowly getting back to my normal workout routine.  

I love to eat and snack. Breakfast and dinner is very important to me, my lunch usually consists of green salad, dry or with a light vinaigrette, topped with a piece of grilled fish. It's not exciting but it keeps me in my size 8s. Breakfast is usually oatmeal, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, fresh fruit, smoked salmon or some kind of variations of these ingredients. I throw in a fresh fruit smoothie and when I’m feeling really fancy I dust off the juicer attachment, to my nifty Kitchen Aid, and juice up a few carrots and apples. 

Dinner can be anything from sushi to grilled fish to roasted vegetables. I have fun with dinner and try not to put too many limitations on what I eat, making sure not to over eat, avoiding processed foods, meat (except seafood) and fried foods. 

Snacking is usually my down fall. I’m great at leaving food on the plate, great at bypassing the last bite or even under ordering at restaurants but when I get home and I’m hungry at 9o’clock at night nothing is off-limits. I don’t keep any bad stuff in the house, we rarely have chips and if we do they are baked tortilla chips since the boyfriend loves his Mexican food. I’m always snacking on fresh fruits and raw vegetables but sometimes I need a little more then that. Sometimes I need something that tastes a little unhealthy. I’ve been searching and searching and I think I finally found my go-to snack…Popcorn. 

Popcorn is surprisingly healthy especially if you air pop it yourself. I haven’t air popped anything yet but I did find a great product at Whole Foods; it's affordable, low in fat, calories, sodium and it's freaking delicious. 

365 brand Reduced fat and sodium popcorn. I’ve seen this brand at my local Safeway so you shouldn’t have to go to a health food store or specialty store to find it. 1 serving size is 3-1/2 cups!!! 3 and 1/2 cups!!!! 3 and 1/2 cups = 120 calories. I think I’m in love. I powered through a bag this weekend and just got my second bag two days ago. It’s impossible to be civilized while eating this tasty treat. I’m usually really good about eating things slowly but not this popcorn, I stuff as much as I can into my mouth until I’ve eaten to my fill. I am really good at portioning it out, I make sure never to eat out of the bag and to never go over 3-1/2 cups. If you find yourself at your local grocery store this weekend look for 365 reduced fat & sodium popcorn you will thank me later… I promise.

Peace & Love, 

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My name is Mary! I was obese for most of my life, around 7 years ago I decided to take control of my life and successfully lost over 150 pounds. But that's just the beginning of my journey. Join me as I evolve into the person I was born to become. I love to cook, craft, read, and make people smile. I'm happy you've stumbled on by. Let’s Evolve Together.

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