
Former fat chick that loves to cook, exercise, craft and make people smile. Have fun poking around
Eat Seasonally
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Blog Archive
- Healthy treats, Spanish Tapas, and It's Friday!
- Healthy Late Night Snack
- My Story
- Zucchini Chips, Unrealistic Body Goals, and Self Love
- Marketing, Train Insane, and Zucchini Chips
- Unpacking, Random Acts of Kindness, and Namu Gaji
- Cardio, Unpacking, DIY, and Abdominals
- Intervals, good posture, and lower body exercises
- Blogging and Pink Slim
- Stalkers
- It's Friday, enjoy foam-rolling and intervals
- Paying Bills, Spending Money, and food food food
- Who Siphons Gas
- Gyms, Food, and Shopping
- Moving, Fan Fest, and Exercising
- Just one more day
- Moving moving and moving
- Meal Planning, Exercisng, and Myths vs Facts
- Back to the grind
- What a trip!!!